MATRIXSYNTH: The Rare KORG MS-50 from 1978

Thursday, November 17, 2022

The Rare KORG MS-50 from 1978

video upload by Alex Ball

"A look at the only fully-modular synthesizer Korg have ever made, the MS-50 Expander Module from 1978.

Here's the nerdy page mentioned in the video with all the dirty details:

Also make sure to follow the Nakatsugawa Korg Museum, it's rather wonderful.

0:00 Intro Jam
1:00 Talk: The MS-50
1:30 Demo 1: Oh My Mod!
2:30 Talk: Was ist der MS-50?
3:17 Demo 2: Movie Tension
4:05 Talk: Expander Module
4:27 Demo 3: Expander
5:04 Talk: External Signal Processing
5:38 Demo 4: Stereo Follower
6:09 Talk: Esoteric Stuff
6:29 Demo 5: Wass Dis Do?
7:41 Talk: Filtering
8:43 Demo: Type35 vs Diode Ring
9:10 Talk: MS-01, FK-3, FK-5
10:01 Demo 6: Footsie Fun, Jah!
11:50 Summing Up

Thanks to Brad and thanks for watching!"

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