MATRIXSYNTH: EURORACK VISIT #2 / Threetom Modular's Audio Laboratory / diagnostics and coffeebeans

Thursday, December 29, 2022

EURORACK VISIT #2 / Threetom Modular's Audio Laboratory / diagnostics and coffeebeans

video upload by BRiES

"In this video I once again take you with me to the place where Threetom Modular gear is conceptualized and born. Tom shows us the calibration and quality control workflow in his Audio Lab while giving us some insight in the tools he uses (links below). We talk about his recent ventures with retailers and about the next module in his line-up called Doppio. After being served a nice cappucino I ask Tom if he has some tips (concepts to study) for people that want to get into designing and building (eurorack) synthesizers, which he answers elaborately. There's a comprehensive list towards the bottom of this description including links to interesting tutorials and practical examples.

As most of you will probably know Tom designs and builds synthesizer modules for the eurorack environment. He gained worldwide recognition with his 4hp filtermodule called Steve's MS-22 (or MS-22 for short) based around the sound of the famous Korg MS-20 semi-modular synth. In part one of the documentary we witnessed how Tom builds a few of these modules from scratch while we talk about his favourite tools, his background as an (optical) engineer and some of his custom jigs. You can watch that video by following this link:" [posted here]

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