MATRIXSYNTH: Superbooth 2023: Erica Synths - Steampipe

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Superbooth 2023: Erica Synths - Steampipe

video upload by sonicstate

"At Superbooth 2023, Sonicstate spoke to Girts from Erica Synths about their latest creation, the Steampipe synthesizer. This polyphonic synthesizer has no oscillators and instead uses physical modeling to mimic how sound is generated in pipe organs, wind instruments, and string instruments. The synthesizer has several sections that allow users to adjust parameters such as air pressure, feedback, tuning, and reverb to create unique sounds. The Steampipe is still in development, but Erica Synths hopes to have it completed by the end of the year.

The Steampipe is designed to create naturally sounding wind and string instrument sounds, however, users can go beyond the traditional range of these instruments and explore a wider range of sub-octaves. The synthesizer also allows for polyphonic play with eight-voice polyphony when connected to a keyboard. Erica Synths is still tweaking the DSP engine and interface of the Steam Pipe synthesizer, but the production prototype seems to be working well.

Erica Synths Steampipe Available: Autumn 2023

Price TBC"

See the announcement post here.

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