MATRIXSYNTH: New AtomoSynth Tottem Drumsynth Eurorack Module

Friday, June 30, 2023

New AtomoSynth Tottem Drumsynth Eurorack Module

video upload by Atomosynth

"Hello World this is the new AtomoSynth Tottem eurorack module. It is a four-voice drum synthesizer, with all analog sound."

via AtomoSynth

We are proud to introduce our new eurorack module, the Tottem version 2. Our legendary drum synthesizer comes back this time with four independent, all-analog percussion synth voices. Two of them feature a full percussion synth with triangle and square wave oscillator, an envelope for the “sweep” effect, one modulator with triangle and square wave as well as noise, also a decay envelope for the overall volume contour. These are very flexible generating from powerful bass drums, toms, clicks, all the way to “laser gun” and weird glitch sounds. The other two voices feature an oscillator with “metal” and square wave, a white noise generator, a mixer, and also a decay envelope. These are great to produce metallic sounds like hi-hats, crashes, cymbals, clicks, beeps, and all craziness in between. Combining the two synth voice types you can expand the possibilities even further for more complex sounds. Finally an output mixer with individual level controls and outputs for each voice and a master output. The new Tottem produces a “raw” organic character sound, that does not emulate any drum machine and stands apart from the very polished and over-processed digital drum synthesizers and samplers, giving you a new sound to enrich your percussion palette.

Four analog percussion synthesizer voices.
Two voices feature, one oscillator, two decay envelopes, one LFO, and a noise generator.
Two voices feature, one square wave and metal oscillator, one noise generator, one mixer, and a decay envelope.
Individual manual gate buttons.
Output mixer.
Individual outputs for each voice.
Master mix output.
Manual gate button for each voice.
Current draw: 197mA +12V. 75mA -12V. 0mA +5V.
24HP wide.
25mm deep.

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