MATRIXSYNTH: Cyclon Ltd. ME Analog Synthesizer

Friday, June 09, 2023

Cyclon Ltd. ME Analog Synthesizer

video upload by Chris Chrome

"80er Jahre DIY Synthesizer, Projekt"

Note there are two videos in the playlist above that appear to be the same. Including both in case one is removed. Use the player controls to skip to the next video if the first disappears. I also captured a few screenshots below. Click on them to zoom in. That out of the way, if anyone has any additional info feel free to leave a comment. This is the first post to feature Cyclon Ltd on the site. It appears to be a prototype and/or DIY, but who knows... If you know, leave a comment. Note the center Cyclon appears to be CYCCON, but you can see elsewhere on the synth it is Cyclon.

Check out the New Old label for other rare and older synths making their first featured on the site.
Check out the Exclusive label for posts featuring the rare of the rare. There is of course some overlap.

1 comment:

  1. Sam Battle of Look Mum No Computer wants to know about this he bought one on Reverb and its keyboard is broken.


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