MATRIXSYNTH: Schlappi Engineering THREE BODY / first patch / hell yeah

Friday, June 23, 2023

Schlappi Engineering THREE BODY / first patch / hell yeah

video upload by BRiES

"After being held hostage for over 2 weeks THREE BODY is finally here.

This is a first test minutes after taking it out of the box. Just ace. I love it when modules are self explanatory, yet take some deep understanding to get to the bottom of it (aka instant satisfaction but a lot of room for abuse and exploration).

Schlappi Engineering surely did a terrific job with this one.

Featuring MANDRAKE by Malstrom Audio for kicks, ORBIT 3 by Joranalogue Audio Design for the snare and hats and CHORUS 6 by Soundforce for some tempo synced stereo movement of those hats (aided by Dual LFO)."

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