Showing posts with label SoundForce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SoundForce. Show all posts

Friday, May 24, 2024

SUPERBOOTH 2024: SoundForce Samples II - and SFC-OB Controller

video upload by sonicstate

"We spoke to Nicolas from Soundforce at Superbooth 2024 about their latest releases. The first product he showcased was the Samples II module, a versatile sampler module offering five channels of playback at 16 bits, 44.1 kilohertz. With a USB connector for memory sticks, users can easily load and play back a variety of sounds with minimal latency. The Samples 2 module features various playback options, such as drum type playback, start and pause playback, and random sound selection, all accessible through a single switch interface. Additionally, the module includes a mix out option and the ability to change playback speed on one channel using the trigger input of the next one.

In addition to the Samples 2 module, Nicolas also demonstrated the *SFC-OB *Oberheim MIDI controller, designed for controlling Oberheim plugins with customizable plugin modes. This MIDI controller offers two-way communication with Arturia plugins, allowing for seamless preset and track switching. Users can have up to 10 tracks with their Oberheim plugins, with the controller automatically updating to match the selected plugin.

For more information on these products, including a 30-minute DivKid demo for the Samples II module, visit the Soundforce website for details."

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Powerful but Simple Eurorack Multichannel Sample Player // Samples 2 by SoundForce

video upload by DivKid

Video timeline below.

"Wow what an impressively powerful yet somehow simple use of 4HP! The new Samples 2 from SoundForce is a multichannel sample player with loads of features offering lots of musical approaches to working with samples, mono or stereo use, on board mixing, simple sample and settings file set up and more than I'm going to write out here. Watch the video, I hope you're as impressed with it as I am."

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

SFC-OB | A controller for your Oberheim synth plugins

video upload by Espen Kraft

"Oberheim OB-X synths in different varieties are not difficult to find these days. If you go for software this controller from Soundforce might come in handy."

See this previous post for addtional details.

Monday, December 25, 2023

SF EMS Sporadic

video upload by Todd Barton

"Here's a quick tip for the Soundfreak EMS Buchla Triple Oscillator using a unique feature of the Waveshaping function.
Soundfreak Modular:
My Patreon:"

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

SoundForce Introduces SFC-OB Class-Compliant Boutique Oberheim OB-Style Hardware Controller

via SoundForce

"The SoundForce SFC-OB is a class-compliant boutique USB MIDI controller dedicated to OB-style synth plugins.

With 37 rotary pots, 41 switches and 45 LEDs, you can finally control your virtual instrument in an instinctive and fun way. Create better synth sounds easier and improve your overall experience. A couple of extra “USER” controls are available to be freely assigned to additional parameters, for example Reverb size, Delay time, DAW FX sends levels. etc… The controller sends out standard MIDI cc messages and can be used with any software that is MIDI-mappable. A web-based control panel app allows the user to change the cc messages number for each control, change the MIDI channel and load the different plugin modes.

Plugin modes
Although the controller can be used with any software that can be mapped to MIDI CC messages, the SFC-OB has been specifically designed to work with the most popular OB-style synth plugins. Set the controller to the right plugin mode using the control panel. This will ensure that every switch on the SFC-OB is fitting the plugin used as well as possible. For more information, please check out the manual on the support page.

Build quality
The controller is assembled in The Netherlands with parts from Europe and Asia. It is built to last and withstand intense usage on tour and in the studio. SoundForce has an excellent track record for its controller line, with many units built and very little registered issues and repairs. The enclosure is made of 100% sheet metal and is manufactured by Grawart ( The case is made of bent steel and powder coated in black. The front panel is aluminum, also powder coated and screen printed with scratch-proof white and blue ink. Walnut wood side panels of 8mm thickness are fitted to both sides of the controller. On the electronics and firmware side, the controller is powered by the same STM32 Cortex-M micro-controller platform used successfully in previous products, insuring a very high level of compatibility with different computers and DAWs. The devices have been even used successfully with iPads.

2-way/1-way communication
As with previous controllers, users can enjoy 2-way integration using the latest Arturia OP-Xa V. This means that the controller interface can be updated when presets are changed in the plugin, when plugin instances are switched or even manually on demand. The controller even accounts for discrepancies between a plugin pot-position and a controller pot-position, and implements pick-up or smoothing modes to avoid juming values. This allows for an improved and tighthly integrated workflow. Other traditional 1-way MIDI CC mapping is available for the brand new GForce OB-X, SonicProjects OP-X PRO-II, DiscoDSP OB-Xd and Synapse Obsession. Those modes, even though more limited, still offer a fantastic new hands-on experience for virtual synth users.

Pricing and Availability
The SFC-OB is available on the SoundForce webshop for 399 euros incl VAT (exact price will depend on your local VAT %) in the EU and 329 euros for customers outside the EU. Perfect Circuit will be distributing the SFC-OB in the US, Signal Sounds in the UK, Cicada Sound in Canada and Dupertuis in Switzerland. Please get in touch with your local distributor for pre-ordering/ordering and pricing information."

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Roland Juno Chorus eurorack comparison

video upload by John Schussler

"I'm a big chorus fan, and am continually surprised there aren't more of them as stand alone modules in Eurorack. The most famous chorus was originally shipped in the Roland Juno line (6, 60, and 106), and is what's replicated in these two modules I'm looking at today.

The Feedback Chorus 106 has been out for a while, and is now discontinued because they can no longer get some of the NOS (new old stock) parts they use.

The SoundForce uChorus is brand new, and has substituted an STM and some other new bits to make up for the MN3101 driver IC that's no longer available.

Both are following the original circuit behavior as closely as possible.

I compare them here to see if one is better than the other.
Spoiler: I can't hear the difference. Can you? Let me know in the comments.

00:00 Intro
00:20 The basics
01:40 uChorus I+II mode
03:03 106 Chorus overdrive"

The G-Storm electro Feedback Chorus made it's first appearance here in 2019, and the SoundForce uChorus in May, 2023 this year.

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Recreating Eurythmics Who's That Girl using a Eurorack modular synthesizer

video upload by Matt Culpin

"In this video I've recreated Eurythmics 1983 hit song Who's That Girl using a Eurorack modular synth, featuring three modules from Sound Force #synthesizer #remake #trending #synthpop #eurorack

00:00 - Introduction and background
00:47 - Technical
02:10 - The sounds
02:29 - The track"

Sunday, November 05, 2023

CHORUS EXPANDED! Stereo BBD Juno style Chorus for Eurorack // SoundForce Chorus 6 & µChorus 6

video upload by DivKid

"Here we have a video packed with audio examples of not only the Chorus 6 and µChorus 6 from SoundForce but lots of examples of how to use Chorus and how to expand on the basic uses.

This video includes lots of patches with the DivKid Community music and patches! I asked my Patreon supporters to send in their audio that they’d like to hear through these modules and they sent in a great range of audio, all credited below and in the timing index. Thank you for the general support and thank you for the great audio to work with.

The Chorus 6 and µChorus 6 are both based on the classic Roland Juno series synths and they feature the same audio path as those originals. It’s a stereo array of MN3009 BBDs with basic mode control on the micro version and more expanded fully featured LFO, CV control and externally modulated options of the larger module."

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Soundforce µCHORUS 6 + CHORUS 6 / the real juno experience (and a lot more) / extensive playthrough

video upload by BRiES

"This video demonstrates the behaviour of the Soundforce modules µCHORUS 6 and its full sized counterpart CHORUS 6. I also spend some time comparing the sound of the Soundforce modules µDCO, µVCF 6, µCHORUS 6 and CHORUS 6 to my vintage Roland Juno 60 (that I bought about 15 years ago when prices were still a power of ten lower).

When Nicolas of Soundforce asked me if I would be up for making a video about his upcoming Roland Juno inspired chorus modules, I was already excited (it might not be apparent but I'm a huge Juno fanboy) and it's safe to say the µCHORUS 6 delivers when it comes to genuine authenticity. The fact that the big version of his chorus called CHORUS 6 goes far and beyond was something I couldn't really phatom until I tried the unit out. Especially the ability to use audio rate modulation and external CV to modulate just about every parameter turned out to be very interesting indeed.

I use the Soundforce µDCO and µVCF 6 extensively in the video as well. The combo of these modules is very much enjoyable for a fan of 80s era DCO polysynths (even when they're just one mono voice) but they're certainly not limited to sounding like your favourite cheese or Roman goddess."

Sunday, July 16, 2023

LEBAB / (not) a generative patch / Xaoc MOSKWA 2 / Joranalogue Audio Design system

video upload by BRiES

"I was going for a patch that I could caption with 'you don't need a lot of modules to make a great patch, but you do need a sh*tload of cables!'. Unfortunately I'm really bad at keeping things simple.
Honorable mentions: Soundforce CHORUS 6 and Xaoc Koszalin for stereo movement of the voices/hats.
Outboard effects: Lexicon tap delay, Alesis Quadraverb."

Friday, June 23, 2023

Schlappi Engineering THREE BODY / first patch / hell yeah

video upload by BRiES

"After being held hostage for over 2 weeks THREE BODY is finally here.

This is a first test minutes after taking it out of the box. Just ace. I love it when modules are self explanatory, yet take some deep understanding to get to the bottom of it (aka instant satisfaction but a lot of room for abuse and exploration).

Schlappi Engineering surely did a terrific job with this one.

Featuring MANDRAKE by Malstrom Audio for kicks, ORBIT 3 by Joranalogue Audio Design for the snare and hats and CHORUS 6 by Soundforce for some tempo synced stereo movement of those hats (aided by Dual LFO)."

Friday, June 09, 2023

Soundforce (µ)CHORUS / nostalgic and versatile eurorack chorus / first jam (inc. all the mistakes)

video upload by BRiES

"In this very first jam with these modules by Soundforce I'm figuring out what to do as I go. Keep in mind that this isn't necessarily the best representation of the capabilities of these modules, nor is it a demo or tutorial.

On the big one I cranked the mix slider to be 100% wet, which gives a wide stereosound that I really really like (especially in manual mode) but the original Roland Juno chorus (and the µCHORUS) is only 50% wet. But hey, these parameters are there to use and abuse!"

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Superbooth 2023: SoundForce - Controller Integration With Arturia

video upload by sonicstate

"We met Nicolas from SoundForce again and he shared some exciting news about the integration of their MIDI controllers with selected Arturia V Collection plugins. By copying an XML file onto your computer, you can now switch presets from the plugin using the controller, this means that the data can be ingested and the controller interface can be updated, avoiding values jumping around when the plugin is in a different state than the MIDI controller.

Nicolas also demonstrated a type of pickup mode where the controller will pick up and take over the plugin when the values are the same. This means you can have one controller in your computer, and smoothly update the controller to all those changes during production or live sets.

SFC Mini, SFC 60 Price: 349 Euros

SFC 5 Price: 339 Euros

SFC 8 Price: 499 Euros"

Superbooth 2023: SoundForce - Chorus 6

video upload by sonicstate

"We spoke to Nicolas from SoundForce at Superbooth 2023, who showcased their new chorus module, which comes in two versions - regular and compact. The compact version is a classic Juno chorus with stereo inputs and outputs. The full size model has the same features as the small one, but with the added ability to turn on manual mode. This allows the user to control the LFO that creates effects using BBD chips. Working in manual mode, you have a mix control, which blends the input signal and the output of the BBD delays. You can also modulate the BBDs very fast, creating droney, experimental noises.

While the circuitry is the same as the original Juno chorus, the Chorus 6 is driving the BBD chips using clocks with a modern microcontroller which allows the addition of more control, more waveforms, and includes clock driver signals sampled from Nicolas' own Juno-106.

Chorus 6 Compact Available: June 2023. Price: 200 Euros

Chorus 6 Available July. Price 300 Euros"

Saturday, May 06, 2023

New SoundForce Chorus 6 & uChorus 6 Eurorack Modules

The Chorus 6

"Coming July 2023.

The SoundForce Chorus 6 is 16HP Juno style BDD chorus with plenty of CV inputs. It is using the Xvive MN3009 and the same audio path as the original circuit. It can do the classic Juno I, II and I+II modes. I+II modes are available from both the Juno 6 and Juno 60, each in mono (as the original) or stereo, giving you 4 I+II options. But the manual and external modes can take the module away from sweet and pretty sound territories right into weird and noisy soundscapes.
Some tech-talk:
A chorus effect is created by mixing a dry signal with a delayed signal. The delay time is modulated by an LFO to create more movement. To create some stereo width, the left and right modulation are 180 degrees out of phase. Exactly like the chorus in the Juno 6/60/106, the delay is made with MN3009 BBD chips. Also as in the original design, filters are added both before and after the BBD chips in an attempt to hide some of the artefacts of this very crude IC.
To get the audio “moving” through the chain of MOSFETs in the BBDs, driver signals are needed. This used to be done with the MN3101 BBD driver chip. Unlike the MN3009, there is no clone available of this ancient IC and this was a chance to add some modernity to the design. The drivers were replaced by a modern STM32 micro-controller along some extra ICs to convert the 3.3V logic to the negative voltage needed by the MN3009.
In order to recreate a genuine Juno-type modulation, the BDD driver signals of my Juno-106 were sampled over a few periods. Using the timer peripherals of the STM32, a replica of the BBD driver signals can be sent out to the MN3009’s. Although the driver signals only follow a very basic triangle LFO shape and could have been generated using direct synthesis in the firmware, this method gives an exact copy of the original driver signals including all the potential imperfections.
Implementing a digital programmable chip also allows a digital-style interface with tactile switches and LEDs as in the original Juno interface. The last used mode is saved and loaded when the module powers on. The CV inputs (with the exception of the MIX CV) are acquired by the STM32 ADC and can modulate the BBD driver signals based on parameters in the firmware.
Price and availability:
It’s available from end of June 2023 at ±299 euros incl VAT (247 euros outside of Europe) on the SoundForce webshop and at my dealers. US customers can order directly from Perfect Circuit Audio."

The uChorus 6

"Coming June 2023.

The SoundForce uChorus is 4HP compact version of the classic Juno style BDD chorus. It is using the Xvive MN3009 and the same audio path as the original circuit. It can do the classic Juno I, II and I+II modes. I+II modes are available from both the Juno 6 and Juno 60, each in mono (as the original) or stereo, giving you 4 I+II options. This module is a stripped down version of the bigger Chorus 6 module which includes CV control.
Some tech-talk:
A chorus effect is created by mixing a dry signal with a delayed signal. The delay time is modulated by an LFO to create more movement. To create some stereo width, the left and right modulation are 180 degrees out of phase. Exactly like the chorus in the Juno 6/60/106, the delay is made with MN3009 BBD chips. Also as in the original design, filters are added both before and after the BBD chips in an attempt to hide some of the artefacts of this very crude IC.
To get the audio “moving” through the chain of MOSFETs in the BBDs, driver signals are needed. This used to be done with the MN3101 BBD driver chip. Unlike the MN3009, there is no clone available of this ancient IC and this was a chance to add some modernity to the design. The drivers were replaced by a modern STM32 micro-controller along some extra ICs to convert the 3.3V logic to the negative voltage needed by the MN3009.
In order to recreate a genuine Juno-type modulation, the BDD driver signals of my Juno-106 were sampled over a few periods. Using the timer peripherals of the STM32, a replica of the BBD driver signals can be sent out to the MN3009’s. Although the driver signals only follow a very basic triangle LFO shape and could have been generated using direct synthesis in the firmware, this method gives an exact copy of the original driver signals including all the potential imperfections.
Implementing a digital programmable chip also allows a digital-style interface with tactile switches and LEDs as in the original Juno interface. The last used mode is saved and loaded when the module powers on.
Price and availability:
It’s available from end of June 2023 at ±199 euros incl VAT (164 euros outside of Europe) on the SoundForce webshop and at my dealers. US customers can order directly from Perfect Circuit Audio."

Monday, February 06, 2023

GLISS / 4MS ENSEMBLE OSCILLATOR / COSMIX PRO / eurorack generative jam

video upload by BRiES

"I started off this patch with some chords coming from the 4MS EnsOsc. Everything is sequenced and clocked by a couple of looping envelopes from Maths. I added a random (in scale) bassline, an arp (sequenced with Moskwa 2) and some vocal sounds (processed through an ADDAC 601). I'm using Orbit 3 and Filter 8 for modulation. Step 8, Soundforce DUAL LFO and Mimetic Digitalis are used for additional randomness. Herzlich Labs OMEN is 'pinging' LFOs used to modulate the sound of the chords. I used a lot of filters to shape the sounds so they don't clash too much. Cosmix Pro is handling most of the mix and I'm using the CV inputs on the stereo channels to create some extra stereo movement."

Saturday, November 12, 2022

TRiED / vaporwave / eurorack jam / resonator, reverb and delay

video upload by BRiES

"I set out to re-create a sound I heard in a Strymon Starlab demonstration video. I used the 1 BIT MULTITAP DELAY by Feedback Modules for delay and the washy reverb is my main sound routed through Rings and then through the FX AID (on a shimmer preset). The drums are Linndrum samples from the Soundforce S-LD because it fits the vibe."

Monday, May 16, 2022

Superbooth 22: Soundforce - SFC-8 Midi Controller

video upload by sonicstate

"Nikolas from Soundforce introduced us to a prototype of his newest creation - the SFC-8.

SFC-8 is designed as a 1-1 controller for Jupiter 8 plugins, and while the look and feel of the controller closely matches the original, it will work with other plugins and hardware synths as well. When it is available, Nikolas will provide a platform for users to configure all data and messages, adapting the SFC-8 to any software or hardware you throw at it. It will also come with pre-configured templates for various hardware synth, with 20 presets.

We also got a taste of the Micro DCO module, designed after the Juno DCOs with analogue oscillators under digital control and a slimmer design, and the S-LD a Linn drum sample module.

SFC-8 Price and Availability: TBC

Micro DCO Available now. Price 259 euros

S-LD Available now. Price 129 euros."

Saturday, May 14, 2022


video upload by Les Sondiers

"Nicolas toussaint nous présente ses tous derniers modules Eurorack.
S-LD : module de 4HP / 6 sons simultanés de Linndrum.
DCO nouvelle version avec entrée MIDI (dérivé du DCO Roland Juno)
uDCO : version slim du soundforce DCO"


"Nicolas Toussaint presents his latest Eurorack modules.
S-LD: Linndrum 4HP / 6 simultaneous sounds module.
DCO new version with MIDI input (derived from DCO Roland Juno)
uDCO: slim version of the soundforce DCO"

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

New SoundForce SFC-8 Jupiter Controller, S-LD LinnDrum, & uDCO Eurorack Modules

The SFC-8 is a hardware controller for Jupiter-8 based software synthesizers like Arturia’s Jup-8 V and TAL-J-8. It sports USB-MIDI and 5-pin MIDI In and Out for integration with other hardware.

The S-LD is a 6-channel drum module based on the LinnDrum with Kick, Snare, HiHat, HTOM/CABA, MTOM/TAMB, LTOM/COWB samples.

The uDCO is based on the Roland Juno-60/106 oscillator.


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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