MATRIXSYNTH: 7/13/23 DEMO: Firstman International Sequence Synthesizer Model SQ-01 + Alesis Midiverb II (45)

Thursday, July 13, 2023

7/13/23 DEMO: Firstman International Sequence Synthesizer Model SQ-01 + Alesis Midiverb II (45)

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video upload by Cfpp0

"Video shows programming, filter sweeps, envelope adjustments. Can be externally clocked or clock others. Gate and CV in and out. No CV on filter :("

via this auction

"Added a video demonstrating the unit Stranger Things style and drenched it in an absurd amount of reverb like the kids do.

Here is the rare Firstman SQ-01 synthesizer, sequencer, and touch keyboard. You can program different patterns, and then choose between them. The filter can get into some 303-territory. Highly portable, solid and well made. Free shipping in CONUS."

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