MATRIXSYNTH: Kaivo: A Brief Introduction

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Kaivo: A Brief Introduction

video upload by Madrona Labs

"techniques (physical modeling and granular synthesis) in an easy-touse semi-modular package. It’s laid out a bit like an acoustic instrument; the GRANULATOR module acts like the player’s touch, exciting one or more tuned objects (here, the RESONATOR module, based on physical models of resonant objects) that come together in a central resonating body (the BODY module, also physics-based)."

Physical Modeling in Kaivo

video upload by Sormena Project

"Last but not least we look at Kaivo. Kaivo is what I call experimental physical modeling. The instrument itself is fully customizable (modular) and when you combine that with a granular sound engine and a physical modeling section you’re going to get some wild results. As you’ll see in the video what you select for the resonator and for the body (the physical modeled modules) has a huge impact on the final timbre that’s produced. Note that unlike PianoTeq or String Studio this instrument requires you to use samples. Therefore physical modeling is just one aspect of this instrument and is used more like an effect that you can blend to taste rather than a dedicated method."

Granular Synthesis | Explanation & Tutorial

video upload by Sounds Good

"I try to figure out all the things that granular synths can do with the help of the granular synth daddy himself, Barry Truax.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0:00 Intro
2:05 Time Stretching
5:09 Barry Truax's Granular Synth
7:49 What Is Granular Synthesis Actually
12:25 Outro"

Kaivo - Presets and Dials

video upload by Madrona Labs

"Overview of Kaivo's Presets and Dials

Kaivo is a software instrument combining two powerful synthesis techniques (physical modeling and granular synthesis) in an easy-touse semi-modular package. It’s laid out a bit like an acoustic instrument; the GRANULATOR module acts like the player’s touch, exciting one or more tuned objects (here, the RESONATOR module, based on physical models of resonant objects) that come together in a central resonating body (the BODY module, also physics-based)."

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