MATRIXSYNTH: Universal Audio PolyMax - Sound Bank '79 - Vintage Patches

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Universal Audio PolyMax - Sound Bank '79 - Vintage Patches

video upload by Polydata

"Drawing from the earliest days of polyphonic synthesizers, Sound Bank ‘79 for the Universal Audio PolyMax finds its inspiration in synthesizer music found in documentaries and library music from the late 70’s and early 80’s.

A bank comprising 35 patches for instant inspiration. The goal was to squeeze as much vintage analog juice out of this plug-in as possible, primarily working within the constraints of classic vintage synthesizers. PolyMax has excellent tone while keeping one of the best parts of using vintage synths: a clear and simple interface.

Sound Bank '79 is a series of vintage tones for different synths and plug-ins, so look out for future releases. Recorded completely dry with no external effects or processing.


After payment, you will receive the file in your email within 24 hours.

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00:00 Archive Cassette
00:10 Book Return
00:21 Buchla Poly
00:31 Carpenter
00:43 Chet's Driving School
00:53 Chrome Huffy
01:05 CMOS
01:16 CPU Noise
01:27 Data Systems
01:38 Demux
01:49 Drawbridge
02:04 Festival '83
02:14 Greenhouse
02:25 Halloween Bucket
02:38 IBM 729
02:49 Index
03:00 Lake Michigan
03:19 Media Center
03:29 Mijdrecht Pro-One
03:40 OB Softly
03:51 Paper Route
04:02 PBS Tech Profile
04:13 Poly ROM
04:24 Public Television
04:36 Ramen Shop
04:47 Room 105 - Science
05:04 S Normandie
05:18 Santa Cruz
05:33 Scanimate
05:45 SEM Memory
05:57 SID Chip
06:09 Slide Projector
06:28 Snow Dawn
06:43 Tax Filing '82
06:59 Train to Utrecht"

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