MATRIXSYNTH: Vintage Oberheim OB-8 Owned By Legendary Bob Siebert w/ Hard Case + Extras

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Vintage Oberheim OB-8 Owned By Legendary Bob Siebert w/ Hard Case + Extras

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"Vintage Oberheim OB-8 Owned By Legendary Bob Siebert w/ Hard Case + Extras! Synthesizer itself is in very clean condition overall. No major dust or dirt buildup of any kind anywhere. Cosmetically it looks very nice, but there are some obvious signs of wear, mainly the 2 holes on the back which were part of the after-market MIDI upgrade. Unfortunately, they were unable to complete the install before Mr. Siebert passed, and they did not proceed with finishing the install of the MIDI board and jacks. Other than that, all the knobs and parts are present and all look very nice.

Functionally, being as this is such a complex unit, I can't guarantee full functionality, simply due to the age of the unit. At this time, the unit powers on, all of the buttons and knobs seem to be responsive with no measured dead spots, and the synthesizer itself is outputting an audible audio signal that sort of sounds like a constant musical "beat". My apologies that it's a little difficult to describe perfectly, but I have video I can provide upon request (ebay doesn't seem to want to let me post the video along with the regular pictures).

Additionally, I am able to trigger the "Autotune" function, and I can recall saved settings. It seems like the keybed is functioning, but I'm not getting any "musical" output by pressing the keys (so no notes actually "play"). The only output that's audible (from all 3 outputs, left right and mono) is that tone I mentioned that changes when you press certain buttons (like waveform etc). So this shows that the buttons and knobs are working. All components inside look good and tested good as well."

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