video upload by AI Synthesis
"A Demo Video for the AI012 Eurorack Wave Animator
The AI012 Eurorack Wave Animator produces two pulses per input wave cycle with voltage controlled pulse width, distance, and amplitude of the second pulse.
It can be purchased as a module, or DIY Kit and PCB/Panel Set at"
AI012 Wave Animator BUILD VIDEO
"The AI012 Eurorack Wave Animator produces two pulses per input wave cycle with voltage controlled pulse width, distance, and amplitude of the second pulse.

The DIY Eurorack Wave Animator build guide is here."
Update: press release follows:
Portland, OR, USA August 17, 2023 – AI Synthesis has released the AI012 Eurorack Wave Animator in both a built and guaranteed version, as well as in kit and PCB/Panel format.
The AI012 Wave Animator is a Waveshaper/VCO Expander that produces two pulses per input wave cycle with voltage controlled pulse width, distance, and amplitude of the second pulse. This design was adapted (with permission and a few changes) from Ian Fritz’s Double Pulse Generator circuit. Some changes were made to the circuit in development.
While the circuit is all analog, the AI012 Eurorack Wave Animator’s pulse wave outputs have a range of timbres from analog wave folding to digital sounding chimes.
The Width of each Pulse is controlled by the AI012 Eurorack Wave Animator’s Width knob and corresponding attenuatable cv input.
The Distance between the second pulse and the first pulse is controlled by the AI012 Eurorack Wave Animator’s Distance knob and corresponding attenuatable cv input. The resulting waveform can have two distinct pulses, or staircase style wave-shapes.
The Amplitude of the second pulse is controlled by the AI012 Eurorack Wave Animator’s Amplitude knob and corresponding attenuatable cv input. It can be negative or positive in voltage value.
In addition to creating new audio rate waveforms, when used as a sequencer, the module can create interesting rythmic variations when the pulses are used as triggers and cv is used to stagger the second trigger.
It comes in both Silver Aluminum versions and Black PCB FR4 versions.
Depth: 35mm
HP: 8
-V mA: 13mA
+V mA: 13mA
“In the year 2000, I was in college and obsessed with modular synths, but could barely afford to eat. I knew it was possible to build your own synth, but there wasn’t anyone, or anywhere to turn to for advice. In the past decade, much more information has been published online, and in 2013 I started down my path to DIY modular. Even with all of the information online, there still lacked a single, simple, comprehensive guide for those looking to build their own synthesizer. I want AI Synthesis to be that guide. Prior to building my own synth, I was a dreamer, after building my modular, I felt I had awoken. I want to help others do the same.”
-Abraham Ingle - Founder, AI Synthesis
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