MATRIXSYNTH: Can your Grandmother be a Prodigy?

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Can your Grandmother be a Prodigy?

video upload by Starsky Carr

See this post for details on the layoffs at Moog.

"It's got loads more functionality but has it got the raw tone? And what about playability of that infamous sync? Is it close enough or will you keep the Prodigy and get those 40 year old niggles fixed?

for the Prodigy sample pack:

0:00 A word about Moog
2:05 NOT a comparison... (well sort of)
3:53 Do the oscillators sound the same
5:28 What about the filter?
8:05 Sync.. the BIG Prodigy tone
11:29 What about long-term ownership?"

1 comment:

  1. That's the most demonic still picture I have ever seen concerning synthesizers. And we all know about Damien running the US, and the Royal Family of werewolves.


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