MATRIXSYNTH: Kawai K5000 Demos by Snupps

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Kawai K5000 Demos by Snupps

video uploads by Snupps Synth channel

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1. Kawai K5000s demo, my sounds
A ambient demo of the Kawai K5000s Advanced additive synth, All of the sounds were made by me.
2. Kawai K5000s demo: Photosynthesis
A ambient track where i use some of my sounds on the Kawai k5000s Advanced additive synth. I also use for parts of the track, the Behringer deepminds 12 and Yamaha Ex5.
3. Kawai K5000s demo Amorphous
A ambient track where i use two sounds that i made on the Kawai K5000s, The track has Three parts, With no overdubs and extra tracks on them.
4. Kawai K5000s ambient improvisation, programming in realtime
Ambient track where i program one of my sounds in realtime.
5. Kawai K5000s demo Aquatic
A demo of the K5000s, where i realtime program a sound i made under the name Aquatic.
6. Kawai K5000s, pianoesque programmed in realtime
A sound demo where i program a piano sound that i made purely with the additive synthesis of the K5000s, it used to sound like a synthetic piano but developed away from that throughout the recording. This demo demonstrate the later part of the session where a variety of sounds are the result from the early version of the sound.
7. Kawai K5000s Advanced Additive synthesizer, Continuum
Ambient Real-time programming of a sound i made under the name continuum feat my Kawai K5000s
8. Kawai K5000s additive realm (now with sound)
Sound demo of a sound i made on the kawai k5000s advanced additive synth.
9. As the sun shines and water flows (Kawai K5000s)
A ambient track where i program some of my sounds in real time, using my Kawai K5000s.
10. Planet K5000
Ambient sound programming improvisation session where i started from a organ/flute like sound that i programmed.
11. Kawai K5000s Cellular
Kawai K5000s, Ambient impro/realtime programming session over two tracks.
12. Kawai k5000s dreams (ambient realtime programming session)
Ambient realtime programming session/improvisation that was based on a pure additive sound that i programmed today on my K5000s.
13. The K5000s album
Kawai K5000: A pure additve syntheis, ambient impro/real-time programming session ment to be within the album time format.
14. The K5000s album 2 with (Strymon BigSky)
A followup to the kawai k5000s album 1: A pure additive synthesis, ambient impro/real-time programming session meant to be within the album time format. I used the amazing Strymon bigSky that i got to borrow from a friend for this project. Link to the first album:
15. Kawai K5000s Ambient track with rain ambience
Kawai K5000s Realtime programming session recorded in two tracks, with two purely Additive synth sounds that I programmed from scratch under the name water 1 and 2, with rain ambience from around the 2:30 mark and onwards.
16. Kawai K5000 Chimes
Ambient real time programming session based around a sound I programmed back in 2017 on my Kawai K5000s. The plan is to acquire some better video recording gear eventually, this is just a temporary solution.
17. Kawai K5000s Tibet 4 Single patch real time programming session
Ambient real time programming session out from a additive/PCM hybrid patch.
18. Kawai K5000s highly experimental sound territories (warning headphone users)
3 tracks of 3 sounds that I modify in real-time, the footage is of the first track.
19. Kawai K5000s patch demo "Spheres"
A demo of this additive patch that I programmed yesterday.
20. Kawai K5000s Ripples01 and Aqua02
Ambient Real time programming session with two purely additive sounds that I programmed on my Kawai K5000s from scratch yesterday.
21. Kawai K5000s Light Rays (ambient real-time programming session)
Demo that took basis in an initial sound that is developed on the way in the course of two tracks.

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