MATRIXSYNTH: Studio Electronics SE-1 | Borrowing a friend's SE-1 while I contemplate getting a Model D

Friday, September 29, 2023

Studio Electronics SE-1 | Borrowing a friend's SE-1 while I contemplate getting a Model D

video upload by MIDERA

"I probably was wrong thinking the SE-1 was anything like a Minimoog (Model D). Come to think of it, I haven't really figured out why it's called the Minimoog and Model D. Or maybe it's Minimoog Model D? Well. I don't know why I want one in the first place. I guess it just looks cool. I've been wondering why I want it, given that I already have the Matriarch and have enjoyed how it sounds. Anyway, after talking with a friend, they offered to let me test out their SE-1. The first thing that stuck out to me is how wildly steppy the cutoff knob is. In some ways, it can actually be interesting what sounds you get out of it, but it's pretty prominent. Another thing that baffles me is that there doesn't appear to be a true 'menu'. You seem to access menu items by pressing a button or twisting a knob. I end up lost at times thinking "There should just be a simple global button to access all the parameters" but there isn't.

Beyond that - it does sound quite lovely. I can tell it's very punchy and 'thick'. It's interesting in that you can activate saw, triangle, and square waves at the same time. Something I don't think the Minimoog can do. It sounds like the pulse width can affect even saw waves, which was surprising. Maybe I was just hearing things, but it sounds like it does. It has something of a mod matrix, but kind of not really how I'd describe it, just that you can take LFOs and ENVs and assign them to various things. The filter itself does sound great - and you're able to use a 24db LP filter or a 12db LP or BP filter. I found myself enjoying the 24db filter more.

After I finished this demo, I sat down with my Matriarch and thought "Wow, this is such a great synth." I'm not sure I'd feel the same way about the Minimoog, as it lacks a lot of things I like including an arpeggiator/sequencer (which the Matriarch has). I found both the SE-1 and Matriarch kind of have similar flavors apart from their obvious differences.

The Minimoog would probably get me 1-5% more 'minimoog' sound that would without a doubt get lost in all the FX I have. But still, it's hard not to want one. I bet it will end the same way the Prophet 10 ended - I was deeply unsatisfied with it for years, and then started to really open it up for some interesting sounds. The Minimoog seems a bit more... simple.

The plan has been to sell a bunch of stuff towards a Minimoog though:
System 8
Chroma Polaris
Something else I don't quite have on the chopping block yet.

That's the plan. Not sure how it will end.

On that note - here's me playing the SE1 using the DSI Prophet 08 as a controller. It went into the Strymon Volante to my mixer, with Eventide Blackhole VST for reverb. Not my best work, but it was fun to noodle on it.

#Studioelectronics #Minimoog #moog"

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