MATRIXSYNTH: Zlob Folidplier wavefolder - sine edition

Monday, September 04, 2023

Zlob Folidplier wavefolder - sine edition

video upload by John Schussler

"In my last video I did a comparison with the Zlob Foldiplier [posted here] that involved me using a saw wave as the input audio source.

It was pointed out to me later on ModWiggler that in fact, that's not the best idea. What you really want to do with wavefolders (and distortion) is to use a simple wave like sine or triangle, so the folder can add more magic, particularly on the low end. High-harmonic-content waves like saws are already so busy that you don't get as much of the juice out of the 'folder.

So let's try this again, but this time with a sine wave. Note that I'm not doing the AI Synthesis Wave Animator in this one since it's not technically a wavefolder, and the input wave doesn't matter. I am, however, adding in the Joranalogue Fold6, because like the Foldiplier it's 4hp, and it's currently my favorite.

Let the competition begin....

00:00 Intro
00:20 Foldiplier
08:37 Feedback
13:00 FLD6"

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