Showing posts with label Zlob. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zlob. Show all posts

Monday, September 04, 2023

Zlob Folidplier wavefolder - sine edition

video upload by John Schussler

"In my last video I did a comparison with the Zlob Foldiplier [posted here] that involved me using a saw wave as the input audio source.

It was pointed out to me later on ModWiggler that in fact, that's not the best idea. What you really want to do with wavefolders (and distortion) is to use a simple wave like sine or triangle, so the folder can add more magic, particularly on the low end. High-harmonic-content waves like saws are already so busy that you don't get as much of the juice out of the 'folder.

So let's try this again, but this time with a sine wave. Note that I'm not doing the AI Synthesis Wave Animator in this one since it's not technically a wavefolder, and the input wave doesn't matter. I am, however, adding in the Joranalogue Fold6, because like the Foldiplier it's 4hp, and it's currently my favorite.

Let the competition begin....

00:00 Intro
00:20 Foldiplier
08:37 Feedback
13:00 FLD6"

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Improvisation for Butterfly Benjolin & Zlob Foldiplier

video upload by Żłob Modular

"Improvisation and video by J.Soliday"

Friday, August 25, 2023

Two New Waveshapers - August 2023

video upload by John Schussler

"New month, new modules.

I built the Wave Animator from the kit: it's very straightforward with a small part count and easy assembly.

I most certainly did not build the Foldiplier. It's got lots of parts and does not look to me like an easy project. (Zlob's web page rates its difficulty at 3.5/5)

They're both waveshapers, but with very different approaches. The Wave Animator is based on an Ian Fritz design that produces two pulses whenever it sees an input wave. The Foldiplier is a more "standard" wavefolder/harmonics generator, with the caveat that it has a feedback mode best described as 'pissed off.'

Both are quite fun.

00:00 Intro
00:20 Wave Animator
07:02 WA growly bits
12:45 Foldiplier
19:45 Foldiplier feedback"

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Zlob Modular Foldiplier Audio Demonstration

video upload by Anthony Janas

"All sounds were processed through the Zlob Foldiplier.
Organized Sounds and video by
Anthony Janas
Collages by
Caitlin Minor

Foldiplier is available as a pcb, kit, or fully built at"

You can find an additional demo and details on Zlob Modular's Foldiplier here.

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Zlob Modular Folidplier

video upload by Żłob Modular

"A basic overview of the wave folding and feedback capabilities of the Foldiplier. Sine wave input in and using the low harmonic setting for the feedback switch."

via Zlob Modular

The Foldiplier is a 4hp odd/even harmonics generator with 2 different oscillating feedback paths. The folding core of the design originates from the odd harmonics (middle)section of the Serge Wave Multiplier. But the Foldiplier adds voltage control over the symmetry and offset as well as a switch for feedback, jumper selectable between, a transistor based oscillating fuzz inspired by the Hemmo Bazz Fuss with a lot more low harmonic content and a passive oscillating half wave rectification circuit with more high harmonic content. When these feedback oscillations mix with an incoming waveform some unpredictable and unique nonlinear timbres can be achieved. The module can also be used as a no-input experimental oscillator with the feedback switch engaged. All diodes in the module are silicon.

The Fold knob controls the amount of times the waveform is folded in on its self (indicated by the red led window below the knob). The C.V. knob below is an attenuator for incoming control voltage corresponding to the Fold jack(indicated by the red led window above the jack, it only responds to positive voltage). So, the Fold knob acts like an initial amount of folding depending on its position. For example, with the Fold knob fully clockwise you can get even more folds with a control voltage in at the Fold jack. The Offset knob controls how much positive DC voltage(0 to 5v, clockwise) or negative(0 to -5v counter clockwise) DC voltage(indicated by the led window above the Offset jack, red for positive, yellow for negative) injected into the waveform via the Symmetry knob. With the Offset knob position at noon(0v) there will little effect from the Symmetry knob. The Offset jack is expecting +5v to -5v with knob position at noon to scan through the positive and negative voltage. The Symmetry knob controls the amount of negative or positive offset voltage(dependent on the Offset knob) mixed with the waveform(indicated by the yellow led window above the Symmetry jack). If positive voltage is mixed with incoming waveform more folds will occur on the positive troughs of the waveform, likewise, when negative voltage is introduced more folds happen on the negative troughs. This part of the circuit can also be broken down by thinking of the Offset as a voltage controlled crossfader swinging between positive and negative voltages into a VCA controlled by the Symmetry knob and jack. When a voltage is present at the Symmetry jack the Symmetry knob becomes an attenuator. The Symmetry jack only responds to positive voltage.

Width: 4hp
Panel Material: Double Sided PCB panel with Classic and Soulless
Reverse Power Protected
Current Consumption: +12v: 40mA, -12v: 35mA
Depth: 47mm or 1.75″
All through-hole build
Ships with M3 black nylon screws
Expandable: No

Friday, April 28, 2023

Eurorack: Building The Ultimate Vibe Machine

video upload by

"Vintage, analog, tape, and character galore, this is my latest eurorack system with a breakdown and of all the individual modules with sound demos. I also go into my reasoning behind them and how I made a system where the total is greater than the sum of the parts.

I was fully intending on getting out of eurorack upon the realization that nothing I had built up until that point really compared with my favorite semi modulars, the Moog Matriarch and the Korg MS-20. I had also tried to make grooveboxes, but nothing compared to my Digitakt. But after selling almost all of my excessively huge collection of modules and synths, I thought I'd give it one last ditch effort..."

00:00 Intro
03:00 Oscillators
08:52 Ring Mods
12:31 Mixer
14:45 Filters
23:25 FX
25:30 VCAs
29:00 Modulation

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Rings into Zlob VC F3DB into Microcosm

video upload by Hezza11

"Some feedback and distortion from the VC F3DB which is being modulated by Just Friends."

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Modular Christmas Carols [Steve's MS-22, Twin Waves MkII, Chainsaw, Quadigy, Ensemble Oscillator...]

video upload by Threetom Modular



* Voice 1 (Bass): A mix of a triangle wave and a square sub coming from Klavis Twin Waves MkII into Steve's MS-22. Low pass cutoff is modulated by the Klavis Quadigy envelope generator.

* Voice 2 (Lead): A supersaw coming from Klavis Twin Waves MkII going into Steve's MS-22. Low pass cutoff frequency is modulated by the TipTop Z8000 sequencer, asynchronously clocked by the Doepfer A-145-4 quad LFO.

* Voice 3 (Pad): Acidrain Chainsaw into a stereo pair of Steve's MS-22 filters. The Chainsaw's waveshape is slowly modulated by the Doepfer A-145-4 quad LFO.

* Voice 4 (Bells/counterpoint): 4MS Ensemble Oscillator, manually tweaked throughout the sequence.

All voices go through the ZlobVnicursal VCA, into the Befaco Hexmix and Hexpander combo. The Hexpander sends an effects mix into the Happy Nerding FXaid for reverb (which is then mixed back in through the Hexpanders effect return).

This performance was sequenced by Ableton Live and the Shuttle control (outside of the shot), based on the midi file 'A Christmas Carol Suite' by Richard Ian (you can find it here: )"

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Zlob Introduces the VC F3DB Fixed Filter Bank Eurorack Module

What is a Fixed Filter Bank? | Chaos + Control with Zlob VC F3DBvideo upload by Sarah Belle Reid

"In this video, we explore the history of fixed filter banks in synthesizers (what they are, how they work), demonstrate some classic fixed filter bank concepts, and then dive into a series of patch examples exploring the Zlob Modular VC F3DB.

Zlob Modular's VC F3DB is a filter bank for Eurorack modular synthesizers. But it's much more than just that as well; while it can produce the clean, dry, nasal tones you might expect from a classic Moog or Buchla filter bank, it is designed to leverage feedback, clipping, and per-band envelope followers, allowing it to act as a chaotic sound source, spectral decoder, and intense distortion.

To access extended audio from this video (aaand there's a lot of it!), check out my Patreon page! You're free to use these sounds as materials for you own music, as well:

Video Timestamps:
00:00 Intro + Video Overview
01:40 What's A Fixed Filter Bank?
03:36 What's a Filter Bank Good For?
07:42 F3DB Module Overview
09:53 Patch #1: Clipping
11:37 Patch #2: Adding Modulation
16:00 Patch #3: Feedback
19:48 Patch #4: Feedback (But Less Crazy This Time)
22:00 Patch #5: Feedback with Modulation
24:43 Patch #6: Spectral Decoder"
Zlob VC F3DB First Look video upload by Brett Naucke

"A first look at this fantastic new 6-Band Voltage Controlled Filterbank by Zlob Modular. Patch examples including manual filtering, drum processing, voltage controlled filter animation, 'vocoding' and some exploitations using the filterbank as a chaotic audio source. This is a GREAT filterbank capable of some very unique overdrive and distortion functions that set it apart from all other filterbanks in eurorack modular."

via Zlob Modular

"VC F3DB stands for Voltage Controlled Fixed Filter Feedback Distortion Bank. The simplest description is it’s a 16hp six band voltage controlled fixed filter bank. But with the additions of so much gain, clipping, feedback, and self-oscillation it becomes a very flexible and unique gestural sound sculpting tool capable of; graphic equalization over 6 octaves, multi-band distortion, spectral processing, crude vocoding, multi-frequency envelope following, self-modulation, and even as an instrument on its own. With no input it can be used as a pseudo chaotic “harmonic” feedback oscillator.

The filter frequencies were specifically chosen to emphasize more ambiguous and dissonant intervals. Although the frequency bands are spread out over many octaves I purposely tried to leave out “3rds” besides a major 10th at the top frequencies to even out all the dissonance below. But the frequencies aren’t exactly equal tempered, so it’s relative. The bands roughly equate to F2, B3, F#5, C6, F7, A8.

The design is based on the Moog 914 filterbank, which it borrows the frequency bands from. But this circuit uses active filters with opamps inspired by YU Synth opposed to passive cells using inductors on the original. The 88hz is a low pass -24db/oct and 7k is a high pass -24db/oct, the rest are -12db/oct band pass filters all with a Q around 4.

The hard and soft clipping circuit on the input is fairly standard which appears in many different iterations of classic guitar pedals. But it has a lot of gain and can even boost line level signals. What makes it a bit unique is the feedback on the clipping circuit which needs to be turned on by the GFB(gain feedback) switch and the amount can be controlled by the Gain FB pot which can add some fuzz/bite to the signal depending on which clipping switch is engaged or at the extremes it will self oscillate from audio rate to LFO sort of clicking range. All the clipping stages in the module are using silicon diodes.

Consult the Signal Flow Chart to the left for a rough visual breakdown of the controls,in/outs,normalizations, and optional settings for the module.

Each band can also be muted by the top toggle switches or clipped(at the VCA) by the top slide switch which makes this design a bit different than other filter banks. As well as the overall feedback section(bottom middle) takes the sum/all bands out through a VCA(controlled by the feedback pot and FB CV) back to the input gain/clip circuit. and you can also tap into this using different sends/bands to the FB In jack to break the normalization. With this extra feedback “resonance” you can get more whistley and howly filter sounds kinda like the Serge res eq, which can also go into self oscillation.

All cv ins are expecting +5v to open the VCAs(they wont respond to negative voltage), once you get closer to +8v or so it can clip the vca regardless of the gain settings or clip switches. Output amplitude in high gain settings will exceed 10vpp and can get up to 20vpp. The envelope followers tend to stay around 0-5v out, but with clip switch active they can go up to 10v.

Since this is a high gain module there can be bleed between the bands in certain configurations and situations. Also in high gain modes with higher frequencies the 2.8k and 7k bands can bleed a little with the VCAs closed.

This is a highly involved DIY all through hole project. It is a long build with 5 different pcbs to solder and assemble.


Thursday, March 04, 2021

New Zlob Modular Miniatt v666 Overview by J.Soliday

video by Żłob Modular

"Here's a pretty in depth look at all the uses of the new powered Miniatt by Jason Soliday.

The new Miniatt can now: offset, attenuate, mute, level shift and actively mix for more info and specs


via Zlob Modular

"MiniAtt is a 2hp Dual Passive Attenuator, Offset Generator, Level Shifter, Mixer, and Mute Eurorack Module available as a Eurorack DIY Kit, PCB and Panel, or Built Module.

The newest 666 version(2021) can be powered and will provide Offset of 0-5V with nothing plugged into the “IN” for each channel controlled by each respective Potentiometer. The “Sum Out” will also be able to send out 0-10v~ volts depending on the setting of each Potentiometer. Both channels are normalled to the sum, so inserting a signal into an “OUT” will remove it from the “Sum Out.” Likewise, when inserting a cable into the IN it will remove the voltage normalization and act as a passive attenuator. In active mode the module can also be used to offset and level shift +5v to -5v signals to 0v to 5v(and other ranges in between) at the “Sum Out” with a waveform input on one channel and by using the normalled voltage offset from the other channel.

There will be signal loss at the “Sum Out” in passive mode. In active mode the “Sum Out” is buffered and there will be no signal loss. Great for cv or audio although the module ships with linear pots.

The new black and white pcb/panel is reversible meaning, one side is classic(first picture) and the other side is soulless(second picture).

The module should not be powered when the jumper is closed for passive mode."

Friday, February 12, 2021

New Zlob Modular Glow-in-the-Dark Patch Cables

via Zlob Modular

"Żłob Glow in the Dark right angle Y Splitter/Multiple cables are available now! They come in 3 packs or by the single cable in 4”(10cm) Male to Female/Female and 12”(30cm)and 18”(45cm)Male to Male/Male.

currently they are only available through my site, but 3U-Shop in Germany should be getting some in a couple months.

Prices are
4”(10cm) Male to Female/Female
$6.25 for 3packs
$2.25 for single

12”(30cm)and Male to Male/Male.
$6.50 for 12” 3packs
$2.50 for 12” single

18”(45cm)Male to Male/Male.
$6.75 for 18” 3packs
$2.75 for 18” single

These are a great cost effective low profile alternative to stackcables and make it way easier to close patched tight cases while still multing signals.

you can find them here"

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Zlob Modular VnIcursal VCA version 666

Żłob Modular VnIcursal VCA v666 Drone 1
Żłob Modular VnIcursal VCA v666 Drone 2 "Ring Mod"
VnIcursal VCA v666 demo 1 by Andy Ortmann
[2nd demo on Zlob Modular here]

via Zlob Modular

"The VnIcursal VCA is an 8hp 6 Channel VCA Eurorack Module available as a Eurorack DIY Kit, PCB and Panel, or Built Module.

It is the smallest, most compact Voltage Controlled Amplifier in the Eurorack market. It provides 6 OTA(LM13700)-based DC Coupled Linear VCAs for Audio or CV. The 6 VCAs are summed together so it can also be used as a voltage controlled mixer. Each VCA out is normalled to the SUM out so they can be removed from the mix and used on their own, they are not cascaded outputs. The potentiometers control the amount of gain and when a voltage is inserted into the CV in the potentiometers act as attenuators. With a control voltage of 5 volts the VCA will be around unity gain, above 8v can clip the input. LED brightness with or without CV in provides constant feedback of each channels amount of gain.

The newest VnIcursal version 666 now uses mostly resistor arrays(meaning multiple resistors in one long SIP package) as opposed to 90+ single resistors with v5. Upgrading to resistor arrays greatly simplifies the build and reduces the build time by 30 or 40%. Now the VCA is much more DIY friendly with new detailed build docs and should have less part placement headaches resulting in overall less troubleshooting and problems.

Version 666 also reduces bleed and cross talk sometimes apparent with version 5. But keep in mind analog VCAs can only close so much, or be so silent. In certain situations based on power supplies and gain stages the VCA can experience some bleed or noise mainly at the sum out as all channels are passively summed then buffered. Inputs above 1K Hz will experience more bleed than lower frequency signals.

Also version 666 now comes with all red leds.

Width: 8hp
Panel Material: PCB
Reverse Power Protected
Current Consumption: +12v 30 mA, -12v 20mA.
Depth: 35mm
Ships with M3 black nylon screws
Build Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced
Expandable: no"

Monday, November 16, 2020

Zlob Modular Diode Chaos modulation source (LMEE)

Learning Modular

"This simple, small, inexpensive module is a source of three smoothly varying semi-random control voltages plus a random trigger. This video gives an overview of its behavior.

The short version is:

• Higher Rate settings produce more Triggers over the same period of time, with a sudden increase to audio rate triggers at the clockwise extreme of the Rate control.
• The X output is the most active, providing a set of peaks like a “pinged” resonant filter at higher “Rate” settings. A train of these peaks starts with each Trigger output.
• The Y output is like a heavily slewed version of the X output, and is somewhat out of phase.
• The Z output acts like a bit like a slow attack/decay function generator, triggered by each Trigger output.
• As a result of the above, “Rate” works more like a “complexity” control, than the normal speed of an LFO.

This video, plus a second one showing how to use it as the main driver in a generative patch, are part of the Learning Modular Eurorack Expansion: Extended Edition course:

Those two videos, plus a third on how to tame the changing voltage ranges of the Diode Chaos and additional text explanations, were shared with the +5v and above Learning Modular subscribers on Patreon:"

Friday, November 06, 2020

Uglysound Build Report: Pharmasonic 723 Analog Switch & Zlob Triple Cap Chaos


Zlob Triple Cap Chaos further below.

"Our first attempt at a build video, featuring the Pharmasonic 723 Analog Switch module. All sounds in the video are patches featuring the 723. Watch for an in-depth look at the module in a future video. Warning: Noise starts at 3:08"

"This is a clone of the Roland System 700 723 Analog Switch module, and is available assemble from Pharmasonic.

It is available in kit form here:

Build thread for DIY versions of Pharmasonic System 700 clones is here."

Uglysound Build Report: Zlob Triple Cap Chaos

"It's Matt's turn at the build desk and editing chair for installment number two of Uglysound Build Report. Soundtrack by Luer, using the Triple Cap Chaos module extensively."

via zlob modular:

"The Triple Cap Chaos(C^3 Chaos) is a 2hp analog, chaos based, noise oscillator, pseudo ring modulator/harmonics generator, and audio mangler Eurorack module available as a DIY Eurorack kit, PCB and Panel, or built.

It is a unique module, like the Diode Chaos, because it has never existed as a musical instrument until now. There is also no other module to my knowledge that can do exactly what the Triple Cap can do. The circuit(with several modifications) is based on the paper “Simple Autonomous Chaotic Circuits” by J.C. Sprott and Jessica R. Piper. As opposed to the Diode Chaos that generates control voltage this module focuses on the audio rate.

The “Emanate” potentiometer controls the coarser overall spectrum of the chaos, from lots of activity counter clock wise up to less chaos and more of a steady oscillation. The “Width, CV ATT” potentiometer can be thought of as more of a fine control for the chaos/oscillator. When something is inserted into the “CV” in the voltage normalization from the width knob is broken and the potentiometer now acts as an attenuator for the incoming cv. The Triple Cap is not a traditional volt per octave exponential VCO, and has a sort of narrow frequency range to exploit the chaotic behavior.

It expects a +5v to -5v max signal in to modulate the chaos. The “IN” jack is an A.C. coupled input for audio in, although cv and audio can work for both the “CV” in jack and “IN.” The “IN” will interfere and interact with the onboard chaotic oscillator depending on the frequency of the input, which may take some experimentation. It can create ring mod ish sounds, to added harmonics, to almost bit crushed sounds depending on the “X” or “Y” output. The “X” output is a more windy noisy sinusoidal based output and the “Y” output is more squared off and aggressive, harsher sounding output.

Some quirks about the Triple Cap: The “X” output can offset negatively or positively a little bit depending on the pot settings, but both outputs tend to stay around 10vpp. With the “Emanate” and “Width” pots all the way up the typical frequency will be around 150hz although some will reach 200hz at this setting. With the “Emanate” pot full counter clock wise “Width” pot full clock wise the frequency will be around 250hz. It is possible to send signals into the triple cap that can bring it out of the desired range causing the oscillation to cut out.

The Triple Cap has a double sided panel. meaning one side has the classic graphics and the other is Soulless with less graphics(see image gallery to the left).

Width: 2hp
Panel Material: PCB/Double Sided
Reverse Power Protected
Current Consumption: +12v: 15mA, -12v: 10mA
Depth: 37 mm or 1.46″
Ships with M3 black nylon screws
Expandable: no"

Friday, September 04, 2020

New Zlob Modular Triple Cap Chaos Eurorack Module

Quick Overview Keven Kalay

"The Triple Cap Chaos(C^3 Chaos) is a 2hp analog, chaos based, noise oscillator, pseudo ring modulator/harmonics generator, and audio mangler Eurorack module available as a DIY Eurorack kit, PCB and Panel, or built.

This video demonstrates the X and Y outs, emanate and width controls, some cv control from a triangle wave lfo on the skew fade, and then i input an audio rate triangle wave from the dual vco.

Built $75
Kit $45
Pcb/panel $20

more info at"

Additional details via Zlob Modular:

"The Triple Cap Chaos(C^3 Chaos) is a 2hp analog, chaos based, noise oscillator, pseudo ring modulator/harmonics generator, and audio mangler Eurorack module available as a DIY Eurorack kit, PCB and Panel, or built.

It is a unique module, like the Diode Chaos, because it has never existed as a musical instrument until now. There is also no other module to my knowledge that can do exactly what the Triple Cap can do. The circuit(with several modifications) is based on the paper 'Simple Autonomous Chaotic Circuits' by J.C. Sprott and Jessica R. Piper. As opposed to the Diode Chaos that generates control voltage this module focuses on the audio rate.

The “Emanate” potentiometer controls the coarser overall spectrum of the chaos, from lots of activity counter clock wise up to less chaos and more of a steady oscillation. The “Width, CV ATT” potentiometer can be thought of as more of a fine control for the chaos/oscillator. When something is inserted into the “CV” in the voltage normalization from the width knob is broken and the potentiometer now acts as an attenuator for the incoming cv. The Triple Cap is not a traditional volt per octave exponential VCO, and has a sort of narrow frequency range to exploit the chaotic behavior.

It expects a +5v to -5v max signal in to modulate the chaos. The “IN” jack is an A.C. coupled input for audio in, although cv and audio can work for both the “CV” in jack and “IN.” The “IN” will interfere and interact with the onboard chaotic oscillator depending on the frequency of the input, which may take some experimentation. It can create ring mod ish sounds, to added harmonics, to almost bit crushed sounds depending on the “X” or “Y” output. The “X” output is a more windy noisy sinusoidal based output and the “Y” output is more squared off and aggressive, harsher sounding output.

Some quirks about the Triple Cap: The “X” output can offset negatively or positively a little bit depending on the pot settings, but both outputs tend to stay around 10vpp. With the “Emanate” and “Width” pots all the way up the typical frequency will be around 150hz although some will reach 200hz at this setting. With the “Emanate” pot full counter clock wise “Width” pot full clock wise the frequency will be around 250hz. It is possible to send signals into the triple cap that can bring it out of the desired range causing the oscillation to cut out.

The Triple Cap has a double sided panel. meaning one side has the classic graphics and the other is Soulless with less graphics(see image gallery to the left).

Width: 2hp
Panel Material: PCB/Double Sided
Reverse Power Protected
Current Consumption: +12v: 15mA, -12v: 10mA
Depth: 37 mm or 1.46″
Ships with M3 black nylon screws
Expandable: no"

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

WORNG Parallax & Vertex Stereo Filter and VCA Jam

Perfect Circuit

"In this patch the stereo bassline is created by patching the a Zlob Dual VCO into the Worng Vertex VCA and then into the Parallax filter. The Vertex and Parallax are both stereo so we were able to tune the two oscillators of the Dual VCO to different pitches and send one to the left and one to the right channel. Then the XAOC Batumi LFO is being synched to the Metron sequencer to modulate the Vertex and Parallax, this is adding gating and filtering to create a bass which has a wide stereo field and stereo modulation. The WMD Metron is used to sequence the Endorphines BLCK_NOIR drums.

The Worng Vertex and Parallax both take mono or stereo inputs and their controls have both an overall control and a skew control that adds a difference between the control for the left and right channels. This allows both regular control over a stereo signal or sounds that move around the stereo field. The Parallax is a lowpass filter with 12 and 24db/octave outputs with CV control of both cutoff and resonance.

Parallax available here:

Vertex available here:"

Friday, March 13, 2020

Kit Overview #59 - Zlob Modular´s Diode Chaos

Published on Mar 13, 2020 Synth Diy Guy

"I build this cool modulation source and then take it sailing on a relaxing oceanic patch :)"

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Zlob SVF and mini ATT Build Video & Demo

Published on Mar 11, 2020 Synth Diy Guy

"Bonus: I also build the cool mini ATT passive dual attenuator, summer, mute!

Zlob SVF Demo Video - Making a full track with one filter

Published on Mar 11, 2020 Synth Diy Guy

"Taking the Zlob SVF filter for a spin, I overdub 5 voices all made with this sweet gnarly beast :)"

"The SVF is a 2 pole 12dB state variable filter providing low pass, band pass, and high pass outs. The filter has 2 audio inputs, but channel 2 is jumper selectable between standard audio in or Ping-able operation. The 2019 revision also adds improved cutoff and resonance response and attenuversion to the ENV in(CV in) through the above CV pot. The 1V in provides another un-attenuated exponential approximated CV in. Contrary to what the panel says the filter does not track 1V per octave and is not temperature compensated.

At the 1V in, +10v will open the filter completely if the cutoff pot is CCW(counter clockwise). With the cutoff knob at noon the filter can be opened with +5v or closed with -5v. CV input at the ENV in is dependent on the CV attenuverter knob.

There are also several jumper selectable modes for max resonance, self oscillation or no oscillation based on the setting of the resonance pot. According to the jumper configuration, the filter is capable of clinical and clean, to juicy and drippy, to low pass gate sounding plonks, to screaming chaotic resonance. When set to self oscillation mode, the filter can produce a sine like wave with no input and a trapezoid like wave in the max resonance jumper setting. In max resonance mode, the filter output can exceed 10Vpp. On the newest version, there is a trimmer on the top pcb to set the lowest cutoff frequency.

Width: 4hp
Panel Material: Aluminum
Reverse power protected
Current Consumption: +12v: 15mA max, -12v: 15mA max
Depth: 46mm
Ships with M3 black nylon screws
Build Difficulty: Intermediate
Expandable: no?"

Sunday, October 20, 2019

zlob diode chaos

Published on Oct 20, 2019 Todd Barton

"a little exploration of the new Diode Chaos from also checkout his instagram
and of course please consider supporting my continuing videos at"

Monday, May 27, 2019

Powerful functions in tiny Eurorack modules from ZLOB // Superbooth 2019

Published on May 27, 2019 DivKidVideo

"I've known about ZLOB modules for a while now with their most popular module the 'VnIcursal ' (6 channel mixing VCA) catching my attention a while ago. It's nice seem ZLOB pushing some powerful functions in small spaces with a new great sounding wave folder, chaos modulation source, dual VCO in 4hp and plenty more."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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