MATRIXSYNTH: Zlob Modular Introduces Trepanator Rob Hordijk Inspired Eurorack Module

Friday, October 11, 2024

Zlob Modular Introduces Trepanator Rob Hordijk Inspired Eurorack Module

video upload by Żłob Modular

preorders open now

will be available as a DIY kit, PCB's, or fully built Halloween 2024
more info at

The Trepanator is a 14hp analog 'Bent by Design' experimental instrument featuring a Dual VCO, Difference Rectifier, 3-band EQ, Sample/Track and Hold, and SVF(state variable filter) all built into one nonlinear module. Its origins trace back to a love for Rob Hordijk’s Benjolin and patching a similar pseudo chaotic feedback-based instrument from scratch using all Zlob modules.

Although not based on Hordijk’s circuit or signal flow, it uses a similar architecture of dual voltage controlled oscillators, an “interference pattern generator,” a state variable filter, and internalized cross-patched feedback. Instead of a Rungler and comparator the Trepanator uses a sample/track and hold with slew, a difference/rectifier circuit(based on NLC), and a self-oscillating 3-band EQ. Utilizing this excessive feedback between the VCO’s, EQ, S/H, and SVF, creates a completely new instrument for discovering abstract electronic sounds. The Trepanator is a highly interactive, unpredictable, and an immediate instrument capable of a huge range of organic and sounds from: snarling, plucking, bubbling, screaming, gurgling, hissing, grunting, pinging, and quacking, to machine like rhythmic loops, circuit bent broken modem sounds, no-input mixer screeching, intermittent short wave radio fizzling, and full on Harsh Noise Wall all within the touch of a fader or a small knob turn without any external audio or any control voltage in.

For more info consult the manual and signal flow chart.
RIP Rob Hordijk

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