MATRIXSYNTH: Arturia MiniFreak - "Cinematica" Soundset (Big Demo)

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Arturia MiniFreak - "Cinematica" Soundset (Big Demo)

video upload by LFOstore

"Its really hard to believe that such beautiful sounds are coming from such a compact synth!

Welcome to the 'Cinematica' soundset for the Arturia Minifreak!


Working with hardware & vst version

We discovered that Arturia Minifreak is a great machine for hi quality cinematic sounds.

64 most beautiful, warm, analog & deep sounds immediately ready to go in your sound production including:

Massive strings
Evolving cosmic pads & drones
Beautiful sharp plucks & poly
Arps & sequences
Big Basses
Cinematic brasses
Expressive solos

All the sounds are handmade & reacting on velocity & modulation wheel + aftertouch & both macros.

Made by Nick Klimenko aka Chronos, a creator of 'Organica' for Waldorf Blofeld & 'WS Universe' for Korg Wavestation


1 comment:

  1. I wonder if patch demo videos would be as effective or even as noticed were it not for the carefully selected graphics enhancing the sound? Which is the case. Were the screen blank, or were the images disconnected or even antipathetic to the particular sound, would the listener be drawn to buy the patches, or even pay attention? Remember, the purpose of music videos from the very first appearance of Bohemian Rhapsody is to sell music. The importance is not what is appropriate, but what generates the proper sympathetic emotion that gets you to remove money from your wallet and hand it over. Think like a corporations, and you will be less likely to be a puppet.


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