MATRIXSYNTH: Xaoc Devices Rostock & Drezno II: new patch ideas for the Leibniz Binary Subsystem

Monday, October 02, 2023

Xaoc Devices Rostock & Drezno II: new patch ideas for the Leibniz Binary Subsystem

video upload by Tom Churchill

"In this video, I’m taking another look at the Leibniz Binary Subsystem from Xaoc Devices. This is a set of Eurorack modules that let you convert analogue audio and CV into 8-bit digital signals and then process them in all sorts of unique and interesting ways. Using various combinations of Leibniz modules, you can do everything from waveshaping and bitcrushing to sequencing and drum pattern generation.

Xaoc Devices recently sent over the latest modules in the system for me to check out. Drezno II is a new and improved version of their original analogue to digital and digital to analogue converter module which acts as the main front-end for the system. And Rostock is a binary data pipeline, or digital shift register, which lets you delay, loop, scramble and reclock the 8-bit data stream. In the video, I build a few patches that explore some of the musical applications of these tools."

00:00 Intro & patch previews
03:22 Drezno II / Leibniz 101
07:22 Rostock overview
10:33 Complex stepped modulation
16:56 Sequence canons
21:52 Digital chorus and flanging
27:13 Looping drum patterns
32:18 Clock-based destruction
36:20 Generative sequencing

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