MATRIXSYNTH: DivKid Showcase | Mutes | Ochd | Rnd Step | Ochd Expander | Ochd + Ochd + Expander

Monday, November 13, 2023

DivKid Showcase | Mutes | Ochd | Rnd Step | Ochd Expander | Ochd + Ochd + Expander

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"One of the first voices I heard when I started modular in 2018 was Ben DivKid Wilson's and it's been my goto channel for learning a new module ever since. The DivKid modules are simple, affordable and small, but offer something that wasn't there before they were released. I used them in almost all my patches, often off-screen or underexposed. In my first Ochd video (January 2020) it doesn't even show. With the release of the Ochd expander I realized how important these modules are for my case. This DivKid Show is a contribution to the contributions Ben already made to the modular community. For those who are new to modular it's cool to have all modules in one video (except Stereo Strip, I don't have it). The shots from his videos are used without kind permission but I am sure it's OK. As always I am not affiliated with anyone or anything.

The opening music is an adapted remix of one of Ben's youtube music library tracks (empty moons of Jupiter), free for everyone to use on videos."

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