MATRIXSYNTH: MOE Chorus 60 with Antonus 2600 Original Size part 1

Thursday, November 02, 2023

MOE Chorus 60 with Antonus 2600 Original Size part 1

video upload by wutierson

"First part of a serie of videos showing the wonderful sound and different creative uses of the Mother On Earth Chorus 60, by far the best Juno 6/60 chorus clone in pedal format, using exactly the same components and circuitry and also adding some nice extra features and controls.

Making an awesome combo with the Antonus 2600 Original Size, replica of the ARP2600. Very noticeable how nice works this chorus with synthesizers. Is no easy to find pedals that sounds good on synthesizers rather than only in guitars and this pedal sound so nice in all terrains. It makes the lush chorus sound and at same time it works with all the complex harmonic content of the synthesizer sound with more low range frequencies, different than the other more specific guitar oriented pedals. Also it preserves the quick transient and dynamics very good considering the nature of this kind of effects and preserves the low end and high frequency definition. Also very good balance between dry and wet signals levels.

This recording is done using without extra process and sound make up, only just the sound of the 2600 and the Chorus 60.

In this first video we focus in more regular chorus uses, from the classic Juno ranges to different levels of modulation amount and speed using the controls and from time to time switching from processed to dry signals (notice the red colour at the pedal switch when effect is OFF and blue when effect is ON)

In other videos we will show the nice feature of the external CV control and feedback loop techniques.

Both Antonus and MOE are handcraft companies making high grade products with care and love. Antonus working in Barcelona and Mother on Earth working in Israel.

Both brands products are available for distribution at shop, making easy for EU customer to purchase the MOE Chorus 60."

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