MATRIXSYNTH: Creative & Musical Uses of Precision Adders, Offset Voltages & Transposing // BEFACO VOLTIO

Thursday, December 07, 2023

Creative & Musical Uses of Precision Adders, Offset Voltages & Transposing // BEFACO VOLTIO

video upload by DivKid

"In this video we explore creative and musical uses of offset voltages and precision adders. Using the Befaco Voltio we explore creating chord intervals both statically and with offsetting musical sequences, we get creative with adding asymmetrical behaviours to waveshapers, we lock in FM ratios with analogue VCOs and plenty more.

The Befaco Voltio is a musical voltage source with 0-10V or -5/+5V octave offsets alongside semitone offsets, perfect for dealing in chord intervals. It features 2mm banana outputs that work with probes and it is a very accurate voltage that they designed for testing, building and calibrating modules. As well as generating voltages it's features a sum input, allowing this to work as a precision adder for adding or subtracting CV offset values from both sub audio CV signals and from audio sources."


00:00 Hello & patch previews
0:55 What is Voltio and what are these musical offsets?
02:16 Octave & Semitone Shifting
02:57 Offsetting Sequences for Duophonic Fun
04:11 From Bipolar to Unipolar - offsetting LFOs from -5/+5V to 0/10V
05:17 Asymmetrical Waveshaping - Add Symmetry Control to Folders & Distortion
06:48 Switched LFO Rates - Performance Wibble Wobbles!
07:28 FM Ratios - Switchable, Musically Useful FM Intervals with Analog VCOs
08:33 Gates made from Switched Voltages

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