MATRIXSYNTH: "Dragonflight" (Dungeon Theme, tribute to Jochen Hippel)

Sunday, December 24, 2023

"Dragonflight" (Dungeon Theme, tribute to Jochen Hippel)

video upload by No Lake

"You've probably never heard of this guy and you've probably never heard the original music either but Mad Max, as we used to call him back then, played a major role in my musical roots, maybe the most impactfull musician before I turned 18 and before I was 100% into my masters Vangelis, JMJ, Klaus Schulze and Harrold Budd. This is just a humble 'Christmas improvised revisited jam-cover blah blah blah' of one of his track. Headphones recommended."

Novation Summit.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. Big fan of Jochen Hippel, from 16bit micro days. Personally, I never tire of “Astaroth” maybe due to all the Amiga cracktros it appeared in 😜


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