MATRIXSYNTH: Granular Synthesis and Generative Ambient Tutorial on the Korg Volca FM2

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Granular Synthesis and Generative Ambient Tutorial on the Korg Volca FM2

video upload by Dylan Ferno

"A simple turorial on how to make granular synthesis like patches as well as generative sequences on the Korg Volca FM2.

Granular Description:

1 Set the BPM to its max (600)
2. Adjust the arpeggiator speed to your liking (up to 12 faster than 600 BPM)
3. The maximum BPM is technically 7,200
4. Add lots of reverb

Generative Description:

1. Put the Arpeggiator in Rand1, 2 or 3 mode
2. Rand3 is the most random (notes can play randomly in 3 octaves above or below the root note)
3. In Rand3 mode, the chance of a 16 note pattern repeating is less than 1 in 30 trillion.

0:00 Granular
1:28 Generative"

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