MATRIXSYNTH: Xaoc Devices LEIBNIZ #6 / ROSTOCK / delay and loop 8 bits of information / extensive playthrough

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Xaoc Devices LEIBNIZ #6 / ROSTOCK / delay and loop 8 bits of information / extensive playthrough

video upload by BRiES

"'ROSTOCK by Xaoc Devices should not be taken lightly' is what I figured out while making this video. ROSTOCK can be easily mistaken for just being a delay, but the patch ideas (provided in the manual of ROSTOCK) prove that with some creative insight you can use ROSTOCK for much more somewhat unexpected and useful things.

This video is a slow burn. I start of by proving that high-fidelity audio rate delay is probably not the strongpoint of ROSTOCK, but just like me there will probably be a lot of people hoping that they can still get away with using it as such. That's why I spend a generous amount of time showcasing this feature of the module. I demonstrate and explain how the clock works on ROSTOCK and how to use the seperate clock inputs, as well as exploring the loop and scramble features of the module. Afterwards I go into detail about the patches provided in the manual of ROSTOCK and you'll soon see that this is where ROSTOCK really shines: auto-generative waveforms, patching up a trigger/gate sequencer or 1-bit multi-tap delay, creating chaos and looping melodies, ... ."

0:00 intro
0:24 a few sounds
1:24 introduction to ROSTOCK
6:03 thank you Xaoc Devices
7:10 summary of the video
8:22 explaining audio delay (intro patch)
15:55 modulating length CV
19:27 modulating the clock
22:50 no clue about Leibniz?
25:30 clocks
27:40 conveyer belt analogy
31:08 loop and scramble
48:18 P.I.1 audio delay and feedback
1:00:49 P.I.2 JENA chaos loop
1:11:37 P.I.3 LIPSK gate sequencer
1:22:34 P.I.4. POCZDAM multi-tap
1:28:10 P.I.5 Turing Machine bonus
1:44:04 thank you for watching!

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