MATRIXSYNTH: KORG 800DV duophonic/monophonic synthesizer

Thursday, January 25, 2024

KORG 800DV duophonic/monophonic synthesizer

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
video upload by Magicjuno60

"Just a quick demo of my Maxikorg synth that I'm offering on EBAY."

via this auction

Pics of the inside below. Also some scans of the manual.

"As for functionality, I have tested all of the knobs and sliders and everything seems to work with the following exceptions;

1. When the the Lower Voice wave shape knob is set to pulse wave and the Lower Voice "foot" control is in the 8' position, there is no sound from that oscillator. (The other oscillator on the lower voice still works).

2. The 3 position switch that controls the Upper Voice Vibrato is always on no matter what position the switch is in but the Vibrato sliders (Speed and Depth) still function normally.

Please note that you may find something else that is not quite right going on with this synth but considering it's age, I would say that over all it is functioning pretty well.

The synth has never been recapped and being almost 50 years old it is probably due for a complete capacitor change. This will undoubtedly fix the minor problems it currently has."

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