MATRIXSYNTH: Trigon 6 and Pro 3 - compared on low level

Friday, March 29, 2024

Trigon 6 and Pro 3 - compared on low level

video upload by Infested Alien

"These types of comparison are super booring to watch. But what I've notice is that these two machines are more different at the lower basic blocks that I could imagen. This video do not compare out of reach functionality between machines. Else the pro 3 really pushes the limits way futher compared to a analog poly like Trigon 6 etc.

Conclusion: (subjective)
Pro 3 is more noticable at lower frequencies and also higher.
Pro 3 can be pusched really hard in signal path.

Trigon 6 is more smooth with completely different Saw + Tri sound.
Trigon 6 filter feels more like a hybrid between a moog and TB in some points. Very interesting.

A mono is intended to be way more "aggressive" than a poly for a simple reason. A poly would be rendered useless if the signal path would be to loud in terms of more voices at same time compared to mono."

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