MATRIXSYNTH: Ensoniq Fizmo on the Big Screen - Füür oder Flamme - a Swiss Movie

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Ensoniq Fizmo on the Big Screen - Füür oder Flamme - a Swiss Movie

This one is in vis swissdoc who had the following to say:

"The movie is titled "Füür oder Flamme" and from 2002. See this link for details.

Heinz (Stefan Gubser) and Olaf (Manuel Löwensberg) love the same woman Tina (Mona Petri). Heinz is a marketing guy and Olaf is a musician delivering pizza for a living.

The first shots are in his loft, where he is recording music (see the DAW on hte monitors) and later playing it to Tina. Later he is moving into the flat of Heinz, which is shown in the two final shots. Here the Fizmo can be seen in it's full glory. Story wise they end up as all three plus a baby in the flat of Heinz."


  1. Pretty expensive studio for a pizza delivery boy hehe

  2. Polyamory plus polyphony equals bliss, I suppose.

  3. You can tell he isn't a musician. A real musician would carry his Fizmo by the back end, so he wouldn't squeeze the keys. If the owner of that keyboard were there he would have been yelling at him.


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