MATRIXSYNTH: Buchla by TipTop // Buchla Serenade by the Lake

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Buchla by TipTop // Buchla Serenade by the Lake

video upload by Dexba

"So I went out and bought a power bank capable of powering my modular system, and I sat by my favourite lake, duetting with the birds around, the Buchla system and my OP1 Field.

The system is fairly simple in its parts, but I am very proud of the deeper complexity I was able to reach in the texture of the patch.

A patch not repeating itself for a very, very long time, thanks to the integration with very interesting features on the Strymon Magneto.

I recorded it on my OP1 Field, improvising on top of it, and I am very pleased with the result.

This is exactly how I want my music to be: outside, in and with nature, programmed but also spontaneous. I hope you'll enjoy it too!"

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