MATRIXSYNTH: Octave Plateau Voyetra Eight Rev 3.5 Synth (with Rev 4 software) + Manual and Midi SN KM4822

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Octave Plateau Voyetra Eight Rev 3.5 Synth (with Rev 4 software) + Manual and Midi SN KM4822

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Video in the listing previously posted here.

"Here we have a fully functioning and serviced Voyetra Eight rev 3.5 (a rev 3 with rev 4 software) It has everything I personally want in a Voyetra. It has the green internal boards, the less buggy rev 4 os, and has been fully serviced by an expert.

This Voyetra has the rev 3 digimod board. So it responds to midi note off/on and velocity from any midi keyboard. It can of course also be controlled from the Voyetra VPK controller or slaved to another Voyetra for a monster sound. The Voyetra rev 3 is fully programmable from the knobs and program pages of the front panel. A copy of the rev 3 teaching manual and rev 4 reference guide is included. The rev 4 reference guide explains each programming page in a way that is easy to absorb. I'd start with this section of the manual. You'll be programming and making your own sounds within ten minutes. The manual is printed on heavy card stock so it will stand up to years of page turning without ripping or wrinkling. The reason the rev 4 seems to be more popular is it allows you to program with external software as opposed to programming from the front panel but what no one ever mentions is there is a very noticeable amount of latency when using modern third party software to program your Voyetra. It's nothing you would be able to use for real time performances. The multi page layout from the front panel becomes second nature after time. If it's good enough for Gillian Gilbert, it's good enough for me. This package includes a third 5 foot midi cable for connecting to the midi in of the Voyetra (not pictured) so you can attach this to your favourite controller.

Cosmetically this unit is in excellent condition. Over the years the filter for the CPU fan will breakdown and allow dust to enter the machine. A new filter has been installed that is thin enough to allow the air to flow freely but thick enough to catch household dust. The housing of these units are made of heavy gauge metal that is then sprayed with a durable textured industrial paint. Voyetra was a small company and the metal housings do have small inconsistencies and spots where they "missed a spot" or left a rough metal edge. This particular unit is in excellent condition with just a few small indentations or scratches in the original paint. The heat sink is in excellent condition WITH NO BENT FINS ETC. The face of the unit looks gorgeous with very little detectable wear. It has the original tear drop knobs that I find aesthetically more appealing. When my tech had this completely disassembled I had him blow out any dust that had accumulated over the years so the inside looks great. Everything functions exactly as it should and all oscillators tune. This will be a very stable and enjoyable unit to create music on for the new owner. The only way to improve upon this unit is to add the rev 4 digimod board, but that's not a feature I personally miss but I'm old, I like hardware. It has the most desirable green boards and it would be easy to mistake this for a rev 4 because it has the rev 4 software. (Six midi pages) A picture of the rev 3 digimod board is included. You certainly won't be able to find a better sounding Voyetra 8 than this one in my opinion. Some argue it is the best sounding of all the 80s analog polysynths."

1 comment:

  1. To Matrix Synth: Stop publishing these vintage synths for sale or my head is going to explode while I drain my bank account. :)


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