MATRIXSYNTH: How to Import Wavetables to Vital (VST Wavetable Synth)... Like the Free Wavetables in KRC Mathwaves

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

How to Import Wavetables to Vital (VST Wavetable Synth)... Like the Free Wavetables in KRC Mathwaves

video upload by Keith Crosley

"Here, I demonstrate 2 ways to import what I call Serum-style wavetables (32-bit, 2048 samples-per-frame .wav files) to the Vital VST synth (well... sort of). I (1) explain how a single wavetable can be dragged and dropped from your filesystem to a Vital oscillator... but apparently that only works in Vital's standalone mode. And (2) show how to import a folder of wavetables (such as folders from the free version of KRC Mathwaves) can be imported.

Along the way, I drop a couple of tips about using the free wavetables in the KRC Mathwaves sampler (and full version), with a dose of self-deprecating humor. Like and subscribe for MOAR talky synthesizer content, mmm-kay?


KRC Mathwaves full collection (140,000+ wavetables, just $29):

KRC Mathwaves free wavetables sampler (200+ wavetables, FREE):

CHAPTERS (to come)
00:00 Introduction to KRC Mathwaves
00:56 Importing Wavetables into Vital
02:28 Vital's Wavetable Format
03:39 Two Different Ways to Import Wavetables
05:20 Exploring Wavetables in Vital
06:31 Understanding Special Wavetables in KRC Mathwaves
08:06 Saving and Accessing Wavetables in Vital
08:39 Limitations of Wavetable Import in Vital
10:17 Outro - Go Get Some KRC Mathwaves

For more wavetable and synth madness, see my KRC Mathwaves playlist:"

Note: the 1st video is the same as above. Use the player controls to skip to the next or any other video.


  1. The video for this entry appears to be posted twice, although one is one second longer than the other.

  2. I see. Never mind. Upper is a video, lower is a playlist. Why both? I don't know. Confusing.

    1. Because the playlist will eventually get updated with a new video, so the title and subject of the post will eventually be thrown off.


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