MATRIXSYNTH: ONEIROI by Befaco | First Patch

Saturday, July 27, 2024

ONEIROI by Befaco | First Patch

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"Oneiroi is Greek for 'dreams', or rather the mythological personification of entities that bring you dreams and nightmares. It's hard to compare it to any existing module, VST or hardware synth. There's a supporting VCO with a sinewave and a supersaw/wavetable generator, that can be detuned and set to an offset. There's a looper with a five second buffer. The looper is used to generate the waves in the wavetable, so it's more like a dynamic texture generator. The looper's window size can be set to milliseconds so it can become a wavetable itself with a buffer you can scan. All of this is under CV control.

A central modulation 'LFO' that can be mapped to any knob except itself and can provide chaotic movement, typical LFO shapes, S&H and envelope following. Finally there's an FX section with a filter, resonator, echo and a weird reverb with lots of character. The individual elements aren't revolutionary, but as a combo they will make a lot of dreams come true.

How about nightmares? Don't worry, all FX can self resonate and when you make the Looper record itself, you can tear the fabric of the universe apart.
But you'll need to deliberately choose its dark side. I will definitely do a 'nightmare machine' video too! But not today. Today it's just too good to be true.

Oneiroi has a lot of character and many different 'faces'. It will make excellent first impressions, but at some point it feels like watching Titanic for the 10th time. The euphoria wears out. This only means it's time to bring something new to the stereo input. Then the excellence and euphoria will return in full force. Sweet dreams are made of this."

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