MATRIXSYNTH: Roland System 8 Jupiter 4 plugout soundscape - Waking into nothing

Friday, July 19, 2024

Roland System 8 Jupiter 4 plugout soundscape - Waking into nothing

video upload by MIDERA

"I finally got around to recording something with the System 8 Jupiter-4 plug out. I'm quite torn to be honest, in what to keep in this machine. I think the Jupiter 4 plug out is a little more interesting than the Juno 60 plug out, but I like them both. I don't want to give up either the Jupiter 8 or JX-3P (although I own an actual JX-3P that I am trying to sell).

The Jupiter 4 has a more interesting sound to it in my opinion. Plus I love the random ARP it has. The Ensemble effect is way too noisy. I realize that's 'how it was' but they fixed this in the Juno plug out to tone the noise levels down if you wanted. Here you have no choice. Also, you can't adjust the volume of all the different oscillators on the Jupiter 4, which isn't ideal.

Anyway, it's a good sounding engine and I'm thinking this is the one to keep in there (despite enjoying the Juno 60 plugout as well).

Eventide Blackhole VST used for reverb"

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