MATRIXSYNTH: PlantsSystem-November

Friday, August 30, 2024


video upload by plantssystem

"M" Interactive Composition.
Running On Hataroid.
Connection To Steinberg ModelE.

Update: you can find the software, M, here:

Notes for the archives:

M is a one of a kind program. Developed by INTELLIGENT MUSIC in the 80's, it brought together ideas of an "interactive" program in which you actually use the computer in a compositional process. In the words of the manual:

'Your work develops in three stages. First you specify basic musical material as notes and chords. Then you determine the ways that your basic material will be transformed. Then you perform your music by manipulating screen controls, by playing control keys on a midi keyboard, or by "conducting" with the mouse on a multidirectional grid."

You have several screens presented at once:

The CONTROL screen where you can start and stop, conduct in the grid, adjust tempo, enable keyboard control, enable midi thru (echo) and sync up the various voices as they are playing.

The PATTERN screen. You can choose what type of pattern you want, manipulate clock delays, allow the midi keyboard to change the key, enable a midi keyboard to record the pattern. and also muting of each pattern. There are four patterns that can be used at once.

The NOTE MANIPULATION screen. This actually manipulates the note data for each pattern. You can randomize, retrograde, and transpose. There are presets that you can program so when you click into a certain box, the values change for each pattern.

The MIDI VARIABLES screen. Things like Velocity (volume) midi channel assignment and patch change commands can be routed for each pattern. These can be stored as a preset for later activation.

The CYCLIC EDITOR screen. You can set up changes in or cycles of rhythms, articulation and phrasing. This is where a lot of the fun happens in manipulating your piece.

The SNAPSHOT tool bar. Here you can actually save many changes as a snapshot for later recall when "playing" a piece. For example, you want to have 2 patterns muted when you start and have a certain sound on them, but then changes to all 4 patterns unmuted with different sounds. You could save this as two snapshot scenes.

To record your "piece", you select the "movie" icon in the CONTROL screen and go for it. When you are done, it saves it as a standard midi file (type 0) Which reminds can also import type 0 midi files as raw material for your patterns.

Download "M" for Atari. You will also find some of my own M files for you're listening pleasure.


Thanks go to Eric Ameres who ported the Mac version to the Atari platform. David Zicarelli who coded the Mac version, along with the support of Tony Widoff, John Offenhartz and Joel Chadabe who was the glue that kept things together.Both Eric and David have given permission to have the Atari "M" as Freeware. Download it below.Visit Davids site with more "M" information at http//: He is continuing to upgrade "M" for the Mac .

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