MATRIXSYNTH: rare birds: Dynacord Magic 370 spring reverb [& Korg Mini Pops 120]

Sunday, August 25, 2024

rare birds: Dynacord Magic 370 spring reverb [& Korg Mini Pops 120]

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video upload by ohm_studi_ohm

This appears to be the first one to be featured on the site.

"this is a quite rare spring reverb built by Dynacord in the late 60s. As minimal as it can possibly be: a black box with only a socket (input/output) and a gain level. Not even a power switch ! This particular unit was fully recapped and it sounds very nice, deep but quite bright for a spring reverb. Tank is a Accutronics one and electronics is only transistor based. The pot is not a blend pot but a gain level. As you can hear you can get the unit to overdrive quite easily. You need to set the unit as an aux to your mixing desk or soundcard. If you plug an instrument directly you will get wet sound only. In this demo it is connected to a RME babyface as an aux, and I used a Korg Mini Pops 120 (btw for sale here: and a Roland SH-101 as source materials"

via this listing

Note the listing is for the Minipops only.

"classic Korg Minipops 120, the last drum machine from the Mini Pops serie. Unit was serviced, partially recapped and calibrated. It's in fully working order. Unit was also slightly modded: the balance knob which originally acted as a kind of EQ (boosting bass on the left side and high on the right side) is now acting as a HI Hats / Cymbal volume (like it should have IMO) so you can totally dialed off the hi hats / cymbal and it allows for more rhythmic variations, perfect for those breaks."

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