Sunday, September 22, 2024

Casio VZ-10M

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via this listing

Video demo in the listing previously posted here.

"8 operators - ...not just 6 like for example DX7...
8 EG
Harmonics Modulator (phase, ring)

The voice architecture is similar to the Yamaha DX synthesizers but where the DX7 has six oscillators to choose from, the VZ has eight.

Each oscillator is part of a 'module' and each module has a long list of functions independent of the other modules: Waveform, detune, envelope, envelope depth (that also functions as oscillator volume), envelope velocity sensitivity, envelope key follow and amplifier sensitivity. Each module is then arranged in 4 pairs: A, B, C and D. The first module in a pair then has the option to mix with the second module (similar to a dual oscillator synthesizer), ring modulate the second module or phase modulate the second module. The output from this can then be sent to the main output, or used to modulate the second module of the following pair (for example: the output from Pair A modulates the second module in Pair B which is also being ring modulated with the first module in Pair B). This freedom to pick and choose your own voice combinations allows for some very wild and complex sounds.

The VZ-1 also features a combination mode that lets you stack up to 4 patches on top of each other giving a total of 32 oscillators per voice."

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