MATRIXSYNTH: Never mind the polysynths here's the wet reverb (no talk)

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Never mind the polysynths here's the wet reverb (no talk)

video upload by Richard DeHove

"It feels like the good old days of punk to replace a poly synth with a mono. Sure it's never going to do everything a real poly can do, and yes of course it's going to be drenched in reverb because that's the trick, but nuts to those expensive polys, we're improvising.

Star of the show is the Erica Synths Nightverb. It's ideally suited to the job because it has excellent tone-shaping controls. But any reverb that can go 100% wet will do. Synths are the DB-01 and LXR-02 drum machine. Using a drum machine and a reverb to replace a poly synth is especially satisfying. In fact the LXR has some useful features for this: you can cue up separate tones on each voice and then use the faders as a tone mixer, and you can assign velocity sensitivity to some or all parts.

It's a bit rough and digital at times, but bollocks to that.

0:00 DB-01 pad
0:52 Sweet LXR-02
1:47 Testing tones
3:52 Runs
4:27 Dirty digital

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