MATRIXSYNTH: Trace | Interpolating CV and Audio Scanner | by DivKid and Vostok Instruments

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Trace | Interpolating CV and Audio Scanner | by DivKid and Vostok Instruments

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"As a 4HP utility module, the Trace isn't that special. It's basically four inputs and one output, with a slider to crossfade between the inputs. But still. If you'd want to do something similar, you would need to patch precise CV to smoothly scan through these inputs with a mixer that supports crossfading. Buchla's Voltage Math (Tiptop 257T) has two crossfaders on board, and you may have a MakeNoise XPAN nearby. I also think it would be possible with a big mixer and a Mutable Tides to slowly fade in/out. The vintage and discontinued MakeNoise RxMx was all about scanned mixing and offered six channels. But I don't think there's anything that can do this in 4 HP. DivKid has a talent to identify the things we're missing in our cases and the Vostok/Divkid Trace is a valuable addition to any patch that involves a VCO with multiple outputs or lots of CV. Highly recommended and lots of fun."

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