MATRIXSYNTH: 4ms Meta Module - SonicLAB Review

Thursday, October 24, 2024

4ms Meta Module - SonicLAB Review

video upload by sonicstate

"Many have tried to create this kind of platform taking software Eurorack or DSP synthesis from the desktop such as VCV Rack and running that code in a Eurorack hardware module. 4ms are up for the challenge - essentially you get a DSP module able to run some VCV rack modules (160 and counting) - the list is growing - but be sure to check the latest one.

Meta has 2x gate inputs, 6 audio/CV inputs, 8 audio/cv outputs and 12 assignable knobs to freely control the modules you built in it. With USB-C and SD Card storage, you can edit the setups adding modules and control until you run out of DSP, which will happen eventually - thats just the way it it.

You can create patches on the unit itself, with a well thought out UI for adding modules, routing and knob and connection assignments - though inevitably it can get a little clicky, its impressively well done.

Paulee Bow aka ‪@magicalsynthadventure3216‬ takes a look for SonicLAB and finds it can do quite a lot... Available now priced at $649/£569 street"

Check with dealers on the right.

Key Moments:
00:00:00 Introduction to the 4MS Meta Module
00:02:38 Adding and configuring modules
00:03:50 Sound examples and patching
00:05:18 Navigation challenges on the Meta Module
00:06:45 Connectivity & integration with VCV
00:08:10 The Pod case
00:09:00 FM Sound examples
00:10:48 A patch with Mutable Warps
00:11:34 More patch examples
00:13:36 Processing Guitar input
00:14:25 Thoughts and conclusions

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