MATRIXSYNTH: [$9] DIY eurorack modular synth Arduino Unison VCO w/ Seeed XIAO RA4M1

Friday, October 25, 2024

[$9] DIY eurorack modular synth Arduino Unison VCO w/ Seeed XIAO RA4M1

video upload by HAGIWO

"My 83rd original eurorack modular synth DIY projects.
Seeed XIAO RA4M1 based Dual Oscillator VCO.
You can create a thick sound by using detune or adding a 5th.

working documents (schematics , code)

Python program for wavetable generation , Additive , FM and PWM duty. / 114675733

Seeed XIAO RA4M1"


Eurorack standard 3U 6HP size

Power supply: 10mA (±12V), 20mA (5V)

2-oscillator digital VCO using Seeed XIAO RA4M1.

Supports V/oct, and the waveform can be selected from 16 types of wavetable.

The frequencies of OSC1 and OSC2 are always in a relative position relationship, and detune and overtones can be added by shifting the frequency of OSC2.

OSC1 FREQ POT: Adjusts the reference frequency of OSC1 and OSC2
OSC2 FREQ POT: Adjusts the frequency of OSC2 relative to OSC1. Can be set from 0 oct to 2 octs above.
OSC2 volume POT: Adjusts the volume of OSC2
OSC2 volume CV in: CV input for adjusting the volume of OSC2
Wave push SW: Selects the wavetable. 16 types in total.
V/oct IN: V/oct input, range is 0~5V.
OUT: Audio output, range is Vpp10V.

The selected waveform information is stored in EEPROM. When the power is turned on again, the last selected waveform is selected."

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