MATRIXSYNTH: Generative Sequencing with 4Pockets MidiStep

Monday, October 21, 2024

Generative Sequencing with 4Pockets MidiStep

video upload by boxoftextures

"Another excellent app from 4Pockets. Although I do wish they capitalized MIDI properly LOL. MidiStep is a very flexible sequencer app with a lot of available options, almost all of which also happen to be exposed in AUM for some automation fun. It's basically a 16-step sequencer, but you can have multiple patterns chained together in various ways for longer sequences if needed. In addition, there are three lanes: Notes, Octave, and uh, Other LOL. That last one has a Sequencer section with velocity, gate, divider (i.e., ratcheting) and other lanes, as well as a Modulation section. It's really flexible and powerful.

What I've done for this video is have two instances of MidiStep, one for a sequence and one for chords. I also use Euclidean, also from 4Pockets, to trigger a new set of random notes on occasion. With these three sequencers I have a controlled-but-random generative sequence, all done without human intervention once the Play button is tapped.

You can do lots of 'normal' things with MidiStep as well, of course, but I just love to build things that make 'automatic' music every now and then.

4Pockets MidiStep
4Pockets Euclidean
Arturia iSEM
Klevgrand Pipa
DiscoDSP Discovery

Recorded and edited in ScreenFlow
All patches, as always, my own

Twitter: / selgart
Patreon: / boxoftextures

4Pockets MidiStep"

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