MATRIXSYNTH: Sunday Jam #55 : Halloween special : 4am again with visualisations

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Sunday Jam #55 : Halloween special : 4am again with visualisations

video upload by MIDI IN

After last week's effort I'm kicking back a bit this week and have spent the time on a visualisation. The music is something I first posted in 2020 [video below], at that time with a compilation of some spooky C64 and Vic20 games.

0:00 intro
0:16 talking about Dr.VIP 2040 board
0:42 talking about the visualisation
2:05 the track

"4am" - Original music, with Spooky Vic20 and C64 games (listed in description)

video upload by MIDI IN

"Original spooky music, all sounds are produced by a real C64 (6581 SID). Accompanied by me playing some of my current favourite games on Vic20 and C64.

This time I used the C64 as a midi instrument (via Datel MIDI cart and my own software) and recorded around 30 sounds separately, and mixed them using minimal post-processing (a little reverb and eq).

All of these games have their own music, by better musicians than me. This isn't an attempt to deprecate their music. I've enjoyed the games and the visuals make a great accompaniment to this piece of music.

I am a fan of using real hardware and usually play these games on original computers. However, I don't have a capture device and pointing a camera at the screen looks crap, so I resorted to emulators for the purposes of making the gameplay footage.

Games shown:
Zombie Calavera Prologue, Vic20, from Digital Monastery

Pumpkid, Vic20 from Hewco

The Isle of the Cursed Prophet, C64 from Icon 64

Luna, C64 from Shallan"

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