MATRIXSYNTH: EMS (Cornwall) Ltd VCS3 mk2 2017 SN 1527

Friday, November 08, 2024

EMS (Cornwall) Ltd VCS3 mk2 2017 SN 1527

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via this listing

"This particular VCS3 was built by RObin Wood, who fitted most if not all of the recommended modifications.

On the back there's an extra gate input (1/4 jack) and next to the patch matrix there are 6 mini jack inputs (6 patch pin to mini jack cables come with the synth) for:

- glissando

- envelope follower

- pwm osc 2

- pwm osc 3

- signal invert

- resonance

So these can be modulated/ modified from the patch panel or external signal.

Other mods include:

Switch for hi / lo frequency on all 3 vco's

Oscillator sync (with potmeter to determine amount up to hard sync) for osc 1 and 2

Filter slew switch

Filter 18/24dB octave switch

Potmeters for the already mentioned glissando and envelope follower

Trapezoid invert (0 at 12 o' clock)

Trapezoid time x 10 switch

The VCS3 is in perfect condition, works like a charm and it 's such a pleasure to handle a 'vintage' synth with new controls. Don't let the year fool you, the sound is everything you can expect from an EMS Synthi. (I have owned several over the years and to my ears there is no difference between a vintage mk2 or this EMS Cornwall VCS3. An original Putney, mk1 power supply, from the early years is a different story ofcourse. By now I tend to prefer the fuller sound of the re-issues or newly built synths over the sharper sounding originals.... but ofcourse, that's a matter of personal taste. And it's a real EMS synth!"

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