MATRIXSYNTH: Prophet Rev 2

Monday, November 25, 2024

Prophet Rev 2

video uploads by Daniel Mana - sound designer & composer

1. The Prophet Rev2 makes me dream
I love spending hours just tweaking the knobs of the Rev2, the Prophet Rev2 makes me dream and it takes me to unexplored territories. As I said in a previous videos it's not an "easy" synthesizer, it takes time to find the sound you are looking for but it's capable of anything really.
2. How does the Prophet Rev2 filter sound? I love it!
How is that possible? do you think it spunds bad? How does the Prophet Rev2 filter sound? I love it! it's great! please let me know in the comments.
3. Prophet Rev 2 + Moog Grandmother arpeggio on a sunday morning
The Sequential Prophet rev2 and the Moog Grandmother are a perfect combo, the first one is a polyphonic synthesizer, the second is a dream monophonic semimodular synth.
This recording was part of my usual sunday morning making music routine, after playing a little bit with the Sequential Rev 2 and its modulation I came up with this patch that I really liked and it sounded great as a layer for the Grandomother arpeggios running over it. I play with the filter and with the envelopes on the grandmother and towards the add I add the extra modulation to the vcf from the lfo. Pretty happy the way it came out.
4. Sequential Prophet rev2 // a unique sounding synthesizer [previously posted here]
The Sequential Prophet rev2 is a unique sounding synthesizer, I have read so many things about it, a lot of people say it doesn't good, some say it's the best synth ever, well....I love it!
Does it sound like a Prophet 5? No
Does it sound like a Prophet? Absolutely yes
Is it better or worse than a Prophet 5? it's different, it has its own sounds and I really like it, you can dial in any sound really, and it does sound big!
There is one thing though that I've read and I do agree with, it's not an "easy" synth, and by easy I mean that it does take a little bit longer in order to dial in a certain sound that you are looking for.
It offers infinite possibilities of modulation, maybe too many, but it's very easy to use and intuitive.
The possibilty to split the keyboard or to stack two layers of sounds makes it a beast!

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