MATRIXSYNTH: Quatrain and Boost - Delay pedal feedback patch

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Quatrain and Boost - Delay pedal feedback patch

video upload by DecadeBridge

"Quatrain comes with Boost. A dirty pre-amp/distortion effect.

Boost can be used with Quatrain to create a feedback oscillator.
Here I'm using them and two cheap guitar delay pedals to create a variety of drones, noise and texture patches."

via DecadeBridge

Quatrain ships with Boost which is a dirty preamp/distortion effect that can also be used with Quatrain to create a feedback oscillator.

knob style and colour may vary depending on stocks.

Quatrain is a passive 4 x 4 Matrix Mixer that can be used in a eurorack system or standalone. It allows you to mix CV or audio signals together and then adjust the amount sent to the 4 outputs using the 16 pots.

Quatrain is passive and draws no power from your eurorack system.
Eurorack size - 24 HP

4 inputs for Audio, CV or feedback paths (4 switched inputs for rows 3 and 4).
4 Outputs to route the input signals to.
4 x Linked attenuators to change the amount of the signal sent to two outputs with a single pot.
16 Attenuators.

Mute switches for inputs and outputs.
Compatible with eurorack dimensions.

When using with a eurorack system the back plate doubles up as a blank panel with some gorgeous artwork from

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