Thursday, November 21, 2024

THONK SYNTH Introduces t01 VCO

video upload by Thonk Synth DIY

"Our 4hp t01 VCO is a fully analog high quality voltage controlled oscillator. It easily tracks over 8 octaves, and has a triangle core with excellent Linear FM.

PWM, Hard Sync, LFO mode, Octave switch and 4 outputs too and all at very competitive pricing. Available now at Thonk.

Out of sight in this video are some looping envelopes from a Vostok 'Fuji' which is modulating the amount of FM or PWM etc. There is a 4MS Looping Delay module at moments to add some nice echoes, a Vostok 'Ceres VCA is generally present before it hits the camera. A Kassutronics quantizer is used now and then for tuned melodies."


This easy to build high quality Thonk VCO is a 4hp DIY eurorack analogue oscillator module. 8 octaves of tracking, Linear FM, PWM, LFO mode, octave switch and hard sync – all at competitive pricing. Designed in-house at Thonk.

The t01 VCO from Thonk Synth is a 4HP Eurorack analogue oscillator with triangle-core. This compact VCO packs in plenty of features including LFO mode, octave switching, hard sync and linear FM.

The t01 can track up to 8 octaves and has dedicated Sine, Triangle, Saw and Squarewave outputs (10Vpp). The pulse-width of the Squarewave can be modulated via CV and there are separate coarse and fine pitch controls for easy oscillator tuning.

The VCO core is based on the super stable SSI2131 chip from Sound Semiconductor. This module is part of a new range of DIY Eurorack designed in house at Thonk HQ.


High quality triangle core oscillator
Linear FM and 8 octaves of tracking
Sine, Tri, Saw & Square with PWM CV
LFO mode switch (200 secs to 80Hz)
Coarse & fine pitch & Octave switch
Hard Sync input
Designed in-house at Thonk

Width: 4HP
Depth: 37mm (including power connector)
Power: +12V 30 mA, -12V 26 mA,
VCO Range: 0.5Hz – 8Khz
LFO Range: 200S (0.0047Hz) to 12mS (80Hz)

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