MATRIXSYNTH: Lego Minimoog

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Lego Minimoog

This one was spotted and sent in via
M Me.

It's actually from the official Lego site as a concept idea you can vote on. Don't miss the pics of the inside below.

From Lego Ideas:

"From the moment it hit store shelves back in 1970, the Minimoog signalled the start of a musical revolution. It was the first synthesizer ever to be sold in retail stores, and over its original 13 year run sold over 12,000 units. It became a cultural icon and transformed how music was produced and performed in and out of the studio, leaving its mark across a huge variety of genres: prog rock, jazz, funk, pop and disco are but to name a few.

This project submission serves to honour the legacy of one of music history's most iconic instruments. Captured at 1:1 scale, this faithful recreation replicates the look and feel of this legendary synthesizer inside and out. With rotating knobs and pitch wheels, pushable keys and a rotating control panel. The rear of the control panel is even removable, revealing the collection of circuits and electronics inside that truly bring this model to life!

As an avid electronic music listener and (very amateur!) producer. I wanted to make product idea that follows with my passion, and provides a great display piece for fellow music fans, that would fit right alongside other music-themed sets Lego has produced in the past.

If you yourself are a fan of music production or music history, then please consider supporting the project! Any and all support or feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thank you !"

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