MATRIXSYNTH: Nightverb automated by the Midicake Arp (no talk)

Sunday, December 01, 2024

Nightverb automated by the Midicake Arp (no talk)

video upload by Richard DeHove

"Here's a somewhat chaotic collection of MIDI CC automation experiments using the Midicake Arp to generate the data. The Arp feeds the Nightverb synced data which affects the sounds coming in from the LXR-02. The Arp and LXR-02 are running from an external clock.

Originally I was blathering over the top about how it was all done but perhaps just seeing some of the twiddlings, especially toward the end of the video, may get the idea across just as well. I tried to give a wet and dry example of what's happening but this is all pulled from about a dozen or so meandering noodles so forgive me if they're not all perfectly structured. Headphones reveal some of the finer modulation timings. There's also a lot of unpleasant oddities but I thought them worth keeping to show the range of modulation.

The real star here is the Midicake Arp. The new v7 firmware is what opens up synced MIDI CC automation. Unless you've got a good dedicated sequencer, or take feeds from your DAW, chances are this hasn't been easily available. I remember looking into devices which would allow simple synchronized MIDI CC automation a few months ago and there weren't many choices. It's why I ended up selling my El Capistan. I bought that specifically for its "degrading loops" functionality but that only available by MIDI CC. In itself that's not too hard, but if you want it clock synced then that's another story.

Sending four channels of automation to the Nightverb, sometimes with extremely fast LFO-like modulations, did sometimes overload the Nightverb and require a power cycle. This usually happened if I flipped between intense presets while running.

If you have any high-end effect units chances are there are all sorts of interesting things available via MIDI CC. With Arp is very easy to access them in real-time sync. So congrats to Midicake for adding this excellent functionality!

0:00 Tippytap
0:40 Heavy gate
1:21 Distortomax
2:27 Bathroom War
3:30 Synth Mutant
5:08 Squarewaves

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