Showing posts with label BB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BB. Show all posts

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Mystery Vintage Mini Synthesizer BB

Here's an interesting find in via Justin.

If anyone knows what it is and/or has anymore info on it, let us know.

If you zoom in on the bottom pic, you'll see the controls, left to right, are as follows:

WA-WA with Mechanic and Range knobs, and switches below, one Automatic and one Rate.

INFRA-MODULATOR with a Power label below, and knobs for Rate and Range. On/Off and Rate switches below.

COLOR-OPERATING with eight sliders and eight On/Off switches. I'm guessing these are harmonic amount sliders with the ability to switch them off on the fly. So this is likely an additive synth. Curious if it sounds more like an organ or a synth. Also curious if it's monophonic or poly/paraphonic.

GLISSANDO / PORTAMENTO with two sliders and two switches. One switch is On/Off and the other appears to be direction. BTW, this section makes me think this is more synth than organ and likely monophonic.

NOISE GENERATOR knob with On/Off switch.


POWER On/Off switch.

Note the absence of envelopes.

Update: it kind of reminds me of the Baldwin Syntha Sound. That one had a SPECTRUM SHAPER. Note the lack of a Baldwin label on the front of the Syntha Sound. The BB on the front could be for Baldwin, considering it's actually a mirrored B.

Update2: New pics in via Justin along with some info.

"I spoke to the girl who owns the synth. She said its a Czech synth and it belongs to her family and was packed away in storage for a long time until she placed it in her store as a display object. She said its not for sale."

The synth is located in a shop in Prague.


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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